advent 2023: A Call to Preach AGAINST apartheid

"Hope," in the immortal words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, "is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."

Responding to the call of our sisters and brothers in Palestine, FOSNA calls upon all communities of faith and conviction to stand firm in the light of truth and preach against apartheid this advent season. Preach Palestine and work to dismantle the darkness of oppression and segregation endemic to the Israeli apartheid regime.

We have gathered resources for worship planners from a diversity of traditions and voices that lift up liberation from Turtle Island to Palestine and beyond. Be it:

  • an entire service or a single prayer,

  • a study series or a guest lecture, and/or

  • a film screening or a fundraising event,

we are asking you once again to Preach Palestine and lift up the Palestinian people such that they would come to experience the joy, justice, and peace of Christ's liberating reign, as a very real light in the present darkness. Can you commit your congregation to preach against apartheid this Advent season?

Preach Palestine 2023:

Exposing Apartheid with the Light of Truth

How to Participate


Commit your congregation to Preach Palestine this Advent season, sign up here, and help spread the word within your various networks


Explore, share, and utilize the Worship Resources listed below, including everything from prayers to sermons to children’s stories. Please note the Featured Resources for 2023.


Record the portion of the service focused on Palestine and send it to You may also wish to submit your original sermon notes, prayers, etc. as we continue to build our library of Preach Palestine resources.


Consider contributing the morning’s collection to the Sabeel movement, sending a church contribution to support the work of FOSNA, or pledge to support Palestinians through another organization as your congregation sees fit.


Although we are only asking you to choose at least one Sunday during Advent, consider preaching against apartheid throughout the entire Advent season, reflecting upon the many parallels between First-Century Palestine and today. You might choose to use a recurring prayer or litany during each service.


Explore how to deepen your congregation's understanding and action in response to the situation in Palestine. Consider hosting a FOSNA webinar on Palestinian Liberation Theology or Christian Zionism. Study the Kairos Dossier on Apartheid, the Cry of Hope and the Kairos Document, or the works of Naim Ateek and other Palestinian theologians as a congregation. Host a film screening.

Featured Resources 2023

Worship Resources

October - November 2023: Statements, Responses, & REsources



Children’s Stories

Sermons, sermon Starters, Bible Studies, & Devotionals

Art, Music, poetry, & Multi-Media

More Resources

"We cannot serve God while remaining silent about the oppression of the Palestinians" - Cry for Hope

Friends of Sabeel Friends of Sabeel

A Litany for the Holy Land

This litany was prepared by an Episcopal Palestinian priest for use on October 17, 2023, a day of fasting and prayer, called by Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem.

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