O Broken Town of Bethlehem

O Broken town of Bethlehem

O broken town of Bethlehem your people long for peace,
But curfews, raids and barricades have brought them to their knees
Yet still they long for justice, and still they make their stand.
Their hopes and fears still echo down the years
Come heal this holy land.

O holy child of Bethlehem, a royal refugee.
Your place of birth, now hell on earth, through our complicity.
The innocents still suffer, their backs against the wall.
We see the crime, the pain and death
And choose to ignore it all.

O holy streets of Bethlehem, where watch towers block our view.
With armoured cars and tanks and guns so no one can go through.
The market place stands empty. The fruit rots on the tree.
While loving families strive to build
A life of dignity.

O broken town of Bethlehem your people long for peace,
But curfews, raids and barricades have brought them to their knees
Yet still they long for justice, and still they make their stand.
Their hopes and fears still echo down the years
Come heal this holy land.


To Bethlehem


Christ in the Rubble, Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac