Our Story
What is FOSNA?
We Are a Christian Voice for Palestine.
Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) is a nonprofit Christian ecumenical organization seeking justice and peace in the Holy Land through education, advocacy, and nonviolent action.
FOSNA promotes the vision of Sabeel Jerusalem within the United States, joining Friends of Sabeel chapters around the world.
What Is Sabeel?
Sabeel is an international peace movement initiated by Palestinian Christians who seek a just peace in the Holy Land. The name “Sabeel” means “the way” in Arabic. The name can also signify a spring or channel of living water.
Sabeel strives for a spirituality based in the liberating reign of Christ, centering values of justice, peace, nonviolence, liberation, and reconciliation. It also promotes a more accurate awareness of Palestinian Christians.
Palestinian Liberation Theology
Liberation theologies affirm that faith addresses the whole of personal and social life—be it personal or political, intercommunal or economic.
Thus a Palestinian liberation theology necessarily addresses the political and social systems that are obstructing justice and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians, and it seeks to transform those into social and political patterns that foster just relationships.
Frequently asked questions.
Kairos Palestine
A Moment of Truth
On December 11, 2009, Palestinian Christians sent out a plea to the churches of the world and to people of good will everywhere. It was a cry from the heart, issued from the City of Bethlehem, and it was titled Kairos Palestine—A Moment of Truth: A Word of Faith, Hope, and Love from the Heart of Palestinian Suffering.