Preach Palestine

“Gaza has become the world’s moral compass!”

“Today it’s Palestine. Tomorrow it’s somewhere else because it’s the same mentality. It’s the same ideology of segregation and supremacy. So we have to unite in saying no to this, to unite in providing an alternative that is based on coming together without these barriers or divisions or rankings.”

- Palestinian Christian theologian, pastor, and academic, Rev. Munther Isaac

Advent & Christmas

"Hope," in the immortal words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, "is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."

Lent & Easter

Remembering the trials faced by Jesus, may we have the courage to reject the enticements of empire and political expediency and stand for truth regardless the cost.

Ordinary Time: Living the Kingdom

“What is at stake is nothing less than our understanding of God, our witness to the gospel, and the credibility of the Christian church.” - Colin Chapman

Countering Christian Zionism

An openly hateful ideology, Christian Zionism has been allowed to spread unchallenged as people have found it easier to ignore rather than engage or confront.