A Word of Welcome
Those of us crying out for justice in Palestine often feel like a lone voice in the wilderness, standing against an onslaught of:
misinformation & misdirected anger
complicit & apathetic institutions
cynical accusations of antisemitism, &
an ongoing prevalence of destructive & bigoted ideologies.
As friends of Sabeel we stand together in solidarity, secure in our calling as an unapologetic Christian Voice for Palestine. The challenges before us are great, and as a Christian Voice for Palestine, FOSNA is rising to the challenge and making a real difference!
We are challenging the powers of oppression and domination that humiliate and suppress the Palestinian people;
We are no longer leaving unchallenged destructive theologies, ideologies, and assumptions;
We are helping Americans become aware of the realities of Israeli apartheid and the settler-colonial violence on which it is built;
We proudly support the essential work of Sabeel in Palestine, in solidarity with all Palestinians steadfast in their demand for justice and truth.
FOSNA represents an international, grassroots movement of committed activists, advocates, academics, individuals of conscience, clergy and lay leaders, students, and a whole host of modern-day prophets speaking truth to power and striving together for liberation, justice, and peace in the Holy Land. With a dedicated staff, a supportive board, passionate membership, and a faithful constituency, we endeavor to maintain Christian Hope in the midst of an abysmal situation in Palestine.
In our mission to liberate religion from those who would use it to justify oppression and dispossession, we endeavor to engage the false theology of Christian Zionism with patient education and loving rebuke; to challenge a lethargic church with concrete campaigns, education, and untiring advocacy; to confront a complicit administration with challenges to live up to its stated ideals; and to engage the community of activists with hope, commitment, solidarity, and coalition building.
And, we can’t do any of this without you.
For weekly news, analyses, action alerts, and events, please sign up at the link below. Or, explore paid membership options: