Five-session online book study of The First Advent in Palestine (UCC-PIn).

Kelley Nicondeha’s book The First Advent in Palestine invites readers to examine the advent narratives of Matthew and Luke from the perspective of the original Palestinian context of resistance, abusive rulers, and an oppressive empire, while at the same time, learning stories and hearing the voices of today’s Palestinians in their current context of occupation. Into both contexts God is incarnate. 

For this upcoming advent, the Rev. Loren McGrail, pastor of Holmdel Community UCC and former Global Ministries mission co-worker in Israel and Palestine, is offering a five-session online book study of The First Advent in Palestine.

         Dates: Wednesday nights, beginning Nov. 29 - Dec. 27

         Time: 7:30-9 pm ET

         Where: on Zoom

To register, email Loren McGrail at

To read an excerpt of the book and watch an interview with the author, go here.


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