Topical Prayers by Sabeel

The NAKBA OF 1948:

The events of 1948 are commonly referred to

by Palestinians as “an-Nakba” (the catastrophe).

Following the failure of the UN partition plan

suggested in 1947, Jewish military groups began to

take large areas of Palestine by force. During this

period more than 500 villages were depopulated,

the residents being expelled by force or fleeing

from the advancing Jewish militants. The most

appalling example of village destruction occurred

at Deir Yassin in April 1948. Deir Yassin, a thriving

Palestinian community of 600, suffered a massacre

of approximately 120 men, women, and children

at the hands of the Irgun and the Stern gang

(Zionist terrorist forces). 1948 left a legacy that

remains with the Palestinian people to this day.

Issues of the right of return and compensation for

refugees who fled and whose homes and property

were destroyed or confiscated, both of which are

provided for in UN Resolution 194, are yet to be

resolved. Since Israel has caused the displacement

of the Palestinians, destroyed their villages and

towns, denied them their basic human rights,

and illegally dominated and oppressed them, it is

morally bound to admit its injustice against the

Palestinians and assume responsibility for it.


Although the dark night of oppression has been

long, the dawn of justice will soon shine.

May God work through people of good will to

bring about a genuine peace based on justice and

mercy so that forgiveness and reconciliation will

prevail for all the people of Palestine.



Waiting: Advent Children’s Story


Assorted Prayers