Full Litany: KEEP AWAKE!

Advent Order of Worship 

Theme:  Keep Awake

Quote for bulletin 

“Hope is the capacity to see God in the midst of trouble, and to be co-workers with the Holy Spirit who is dwelling in us. From this vision derives the strength to be steadfast, remain firm and work to change the reality in which we find ourselves. Hope means not giving in to evil but rather standing up to it and continuing to resist it.” 

-Kairos Palestine Document – A Moment of Truth (Chapter 3.2)

Opening Music

Drummer Boy

Prayer for Advent

God of branch and blaze, in this Advent season we pray for your justice and your peace. In this time of longing, shelter us from the harsh rays of sun and screen. Keep us under the shadow of your wing, and give us an assurance of your love when it is most hard to feel your presence.

May your holy Spirit encourage every generation that languishes under violence wrought by human hands. We pray for an end to occupation in all lands, and especially for the people of Palestine. Bring an end to the terror, invasion, and incarceration that continues to haunt us.

Help us, too, to keep vigilant against the works of evil, in our own selves and in the world around us. Nurture the seeds of resistance and solidarity in our own hearts. Fill us with a love of land and neighbor, and strike settlements from your holy soil. 

We pray and wait in hope for your coming amongst us – for that peace and justice that we dare to call upon in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen. (By Kenji Kuramitsu)

Call to Worship

Leader Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice,

for they will be filled.

All Restore us, O God!

We hunger for justice -

Reader For the immigrant in our midst.

All Restore us, O God!

We hunger for justice -

Reader For every black life that matters.

All Restore us, O God!

We hunger for justice -

Reader For First Nation peoples and their diverse cultures.

All Restore us, O God!

We hunger for justice -

Reader For every Palestinian being crushed by apartheid.

All Restore us, O God!

We hunger for justice -

Reader For every Jewish person who carries 

the horror of the Holocaust in their soul.

Congregants may call out those people/causes where they long to see justice in the manner of the examples given.  The congregation will respond after each one that is named as follows:

All Restore us, O God!

We hunger for justice -

Concluding the Call to Worship:

Leader Restore us, O God.

We hunger for a justice seasoned with mercy for all.

All Amen.

Song Longing for Light


Leader When Yahweh brought the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt

God said, “You are a people holy to Yahweh your God.

Yahweh your God has chosen you out of all the peoples

on earth to be God’s people – God’s treasured possession.”

(Duet. 7:6)

All We confess that too often in history the Church and State have twisted  “Your choosing us” into justification for the oppression and destruction of others.  Grant us the wisdom, humility, and love we need to join You in choosing all of humanity through Christ.
Grant us your peace.

Leader Yahweh said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and I

will curse those who curse you.” (Gen. 12:3)

All We confess in the United States politics and theology have twisted God’s promises to Abraham into a Zionism that justifies “blessing” Israel with billions of dollars in military hardware while “cursing” Palestinians as terrorists.  Grant us the wisdom, courage, and love we need to confront this ideology of Death. 

Grant us your peace. 

Leader Jesus has said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be

called children of God.” (Matt. 5:9)

All We confess that we are want to turn away from conflict in our world. Empower us to act, and guide us as we seek the way of peace.  

Grant us your peace.   Amen.


Leader Forgiving, Merciful, and Righteous One: Forgiving One, your love is higher than the starry heavens. Merciful One, your kindness is deeper than the ocean. Righteous One, let each of us be the transformation of your love and kindness into energy for speaking the truth and reconciling with one another.

Hymn Yarabba Ssalami

Children’s Time

HOPE: The first Candle of Advent by Amy Yoder McGloughlin 

Lighting the Advent Candle

God Who Hears the Cries of the Oppressed, we pray for all who suffer the ongoing, seemingly never-ending consequences of colonialization and occupation. Visit them this holy season with the light of your love. Move the faithful in churches, synagogues and mosques, along with all people of good will, to be that light in their lives in practical and transforming ways. In the name of the One who, for our sake, kept faith under occupation, amen. (from Kairos Christmas Alert

Scripture Reading

Isaiah 64:1-9 Mark 13:24-37

Sermon Samia Khoury

Poem of response

“Defying the Universe” by Samah Sabawi

Prayer of Intersession 

Sabeel Wave of Prayer 


Prayer of Illumination

God of Life,

We come to you with feelings of despair at all that is broken around us. Our world is suffering. Our Palestinian siblings are surrounded on every side by people and systems bent on their destruction.  We sit here in the United States, feeling angry at the ways our own country is solidifying the annihilation of Palestine.  Feeling helpless as we watch their suffering from afar.  The sun has vanished.  The moon refuses to shine.  Hope is falling.

Open our hearts and minds to what you are doing in the midst of this brokenness.  Help us to see the ways you are shaking the foundations of all that destroys life.  Give us the stamina to stay awake, to watch and to wait for you.  Grant us wisdom and courage to participate in the ways that you are moving to restore life.

Amen (Katie Reimer)

Song O Come Emanuel (alternative lyrics) 


Lord God, forever faithful and loving, You said that peace-makers would be blessed, yet they are so often ignored or even attacked. Strengthen their hands, Lord,

Give them your spirit that they may inspire others.

Help us, each one, to be peace-makers in whatever way we are able. May peace begin to spread like showers of refreshing rain, bringing blessings and growth. May peace prevail throughout our hurting world. O Prince of Peace, come and reign. Amen (By  Isobel de Gruchy of South Africa)


Full Litany: Honoring First Peoples — Confession and Reconciliation
