Sovereignty of God – An apocalyptic Palestinian Reflection during this season of trouble, by Yohanna Katanacho

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God speaks to his people during difficult times. The book of Revelation describes a season full of trouble. John is in Patmos and in trouble. He is in exile and persecuted. The challenge is huge. John is dealing with some churches that are marked with serious deficiencies to the extent of creating a stomach ache to God who is going to vomit them (Rev 3: 16)! John is encountering seven seals (Rev 6-8), seven trumpets (Rev 8-11), and seven bowls (Rev 16). All of them are full of trouble, misery, and judgments. Furthermore, John is encountering a sea beast (Rev 13), a land beast (Rev 13), a false prophet, a dragon (Rev 12), and a woman who is drunk with the blood of the saints (Rev 17). Yet despite this dangerous journey and serious limitations in Patmos, John was able to have hope and see heaven opened. He was able to see the heavenly Jerusalem. He saw it not because he left Patmos but because the heavenly one came down to him. All this is possible because of the sovereignty of God who conquered death and rose from the dead. Such sovereignty calls us to respond in at least three ways.

  • We need to live the life of faith during trouble

  • We need to live as witnesses

  • We need to live in hope

1. We need to live the life of faith

The book of revelation describes the first vision of John in chapter one when he seas the son of man holding the seven gold lampstands in his right hand. These lampstands are the seven churches that represent the whole church. The son of man is the priest that can secure the light in these lampstands. The priesthood of the son of man is the first chapter in discovering the sovereignty of God. God reveals himself through his presence among His people. During difficult times, the people of God need to understand that the future of the church does not depend on political circumstances. In fact, history reveals that many times the church grew during difficult times. One of the followers of Christ even thought that the blood of Christian martyrs is like the seeds that help the church to grow and spread. Jesus is holding the churches in his right hand. The future of the world is related to the church. The church is the light and the witness for a lost world. But the church must be pure and repentant to reflect the presence of God in a clear way. Such repentance demands a commitment to loving God and the neighbor wholeheartedly. It demands 100% commitment to the Gospel and complete rejection of all forms of compromise with sin.

2. We need to live as witnesses

No doubt that judgment starts with the house of God but it does not stop there. The sovereignty of God requires us to be witness despite all the stubbornness of people who refuse the path of love, justice, and mercy. We might cry out with the saints in the fifth seal (Rev 6: 9-11): how long O Lord? Despite our longing for the end, we have work to do. We should prophesy like John against many nations (Rev. 10: 11) and be witnesses for 42 months (Rev. 11: 3), the duration of the war with the dragon (Rev 12: 6, 14). We need to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ who embodies love, justice, and the Kingdom of God. During wars, we need to remind people of the sermon on the mount or of Revelation 2-3. During bloodshed, we need to remind people of human rights. During brutality, we need to affirm mercy. During imprisonment and persecution, we must stress faithfulness to the Gospel. The world needs a conscience, a sane voice, a candle of light in its moral darkness. We need to fight the beast and the dragon by the gospel of love, by the civilization of love. Missional love seeks to restore shalom and justice for everyone. It seeks to protect the innocent and to call oppressors to repent. But the war against the dragon will continue.

3. We need to live in hope

Thus, we need to trust God in hope. Dante said that at the gates of hell there is a sign with the title: drop all hope you who enter here. Hope is a sign of the presence of God and a mark that reflect faith in His sovereignty. Its absence is complete darkness. Hope reflects trust in the lamb who opened the seal in Revelation 5. He alone can provide the answers. Hope reflects on the mighty angel of Revelation 10 who stands on the sea and the earth despite the presence of an earth beast and a sea beast. God still declares his sovereignty and authority. Hope sees the end of Baylon and a post-war reality. Hope seas the logos sitting on a white horse and ruling over all the nations. Hope sees the end of the beast, the dragon, and the false prophet. Political and religious hypocrisy shall end. Hope sees the prisoners released and the dragon imprisoned (Rev. 20).


John did not have to leave Patmos but needed new eyes and new ears in order to see and to hear that God is in control. Only Jesus Christ can provide us with the ability to sea and hear in such a way. The destiny of the church is not the lake of fire but heavenly Jerusalem. God shall wipe every tear and destroy every evil. Thus, we pray come O Lord. Come to your church as you have come in Revelation 2-3; we need a global revival. Come beat the dragon (Revelation 12) chain him (Revelation 20) and throw the devil into the lake of fire. The Spirit and the bride pray: come O Lord. May your Kingdom come!


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