A Prayer for this Moment (October 2023), Rabbi Alissa Wise

May the One Who Comforts hold all those grieving and traumatized and frightened for however long it takes

May the One Who Releases the Captive release all those caught and bound

May the One Who Makes Peace illuminate paths of peace for those seeing only paths of violence and vengeance

May the One Who Loves Justice fortify us to reinforce our solidarities with all those who share our vision of justice and dignity for all people

May the One Who Knows Hope instill in us the confidence to imagine wholeness, safety, and freedom for all people

May the One Who We Need be there for us as we waver and struggle, as we are confused and uncertain until we find solid ground once again

May the One Who Remembers allow us to hold in one hand 75 years of occupation, dispossession and violence and in the other a future of peace, justice and freedom

May the One Who is Slow to Anger soften our hearts and our fists helping us to put down the sword even at the height of the arc of our rage

May the One of Possibility remind us that a future of peace with justice is possible

May the One Who Awakens Us to Life hold us in our pain and vindictiveness until we set those down for the sake of life

May the One Who Endures allow us to act for the sake of the coming generations

May the One Who is Without Limit expand our senses of what is possible as we reach for justice, freedom and peace for us all.

May the One Who Knows Life is Precious help us to affirm life is precious

May the One Who Grants Peace, Goodness, Blessing, Grace, Lovingkindness, and Mercy grant them now no matter how undeserving we are.


“What Shall We Say?” Reflections for Pastors on the Violence In Palestine and Israel (UCC PIN)


A Litany for the Holy Land