Palestine and the World Cup

by Jonathan Kuttab

The Palestinian Football Association, under the leadership of Jibreel Rajjoub, has had a long and tortured history with FIFA. For a long time, it has complained about Israel’s clear violations of FIFA rules and regulations, tried to call for either sanctions or even the suspension of the Israel Football Association from FIFA.

The main complaints are three: First, the Israeli Football Association allows five football clubs from the Jewish settlements of the West Bank and many settler footballers who live in the Palestinian Territories to play in the Israeli national league. This is done without permission from the Palestinian Football Association in whose territory they are living, a clear violation of FIFA’s own regulations. Second, Israeli football clubs continuously exhibit bigoted behavior, particularly the infamous Bitar Yerushalayim, with chants of “Death to Arabs,” the booing of Arab players, and general hooliganism directed against nearby Palestinians. All this is contrary to FIFA’s stated values of anti-racism and anti-hate. Third, the Israeli Civil Administration, which effectively rules the West Bank, obstructs and disrupts Palestinian football in a variety of ways. This is done by refusing permits for the building of stadiums in Area C, obstructing the movement of footballers, coaches, and staff who need (and do not always get permits) to travel and move between Palestinian towns, to and from Gaza, and abroad. This is not to mention arbitrary arrests, the teargassing of stadiums, and the shooting of Palestinian players (sometimes deliberately in the feet).

FIFA’s response has been very timid. They have attempted to avoid controversy, urge quiet diplomacy, and refuse to vote on any sanctions or suspension of Israel. To the contrary, FIFA officials have claimed that “politics and football should not be mixed,” even fining clubs for raising the Palestinian flag at games where Palestine was not playing. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, however, it suddenly became legitimate to express support for political causes and raise the Ukrainian flag at FIFA events.

Palestinians and their supporters have responded with grass roots campaigns in an attempt to hold Israel accountable for its apartheid practices, with campaigns like BDS’s “Red Card Israel” or more recently with our own coalition campaigns like “Kick Out Apartheid” and “Soccer Not Cells,” calling for sanctions on Israel because of its policies. FOSNA has also joined with many others in calling on players and fans to show solidarity with Palestine at FIFA events by raising the Palestinian flag and wearing Kufiyyehs or special armbands at all games.

The grassroots response has been tremendous. Players and fans in Qatar and all over the world have shown great support by raising Palestinian flags. In contrast, Israeli television crews, flush with visions of normalization with the Arab world, flooded Qatar to bask in their newfound “acceptance.” But, the Israelis were shocked to find that the people of the world, and the Arab world in particular, did not share that view as they showed open hostility and refused to be filmed by Israeli television or interviewed by Israeli reporters. The world at large is not at all reconciled to Israeli Apartheid or enamored with the recent Abrahamic Accords. Israel may wield great influence with some Arab regimes and FIFA officials, but the people of the Arab world and the world at large are fully aware of the apartheid, racism, and oppression which Israel represents and are not at all eager to normalize relations until it ends its oppression of Palestinians. This is not antisemitism, as Israelis would like to think, but solidarity with and support for the Palestinian cry for justice. It may well turn out that the activities of BDS and displays of solidarity through the arena of international sports, as happened in South Africa, may prove to be the most effective method of proclaiming the message that the world will not support apartheid or racism. For it was the world’s boycott against South African sports teams that had most effect on exposing the crimes of and collapsing support for its apartheid regime.

All, however, is not protest and gloom. Soccer can also provide a vision for a better future. I once heard Jeff Helper, who advocates for a single state of Palestinian Arabs and Jewish Israelis based on equality, articulate the following: Israel is currently ranked by FIFA at 76th place  and Palestine at 94th place. Neither have any chance of appearing at the World Cup. Would it not be wonderful, when peace finally arrives, to see a joint, non-racially segregated team representing a new entity based on justice and equality? Would not fielding a single team, rather than either of the current teams, be better positioned to qualify for a future World Cup—a team which all of us, as well as the whole world, can celebrate and cheer for?


Giving Tuesday

All of us at Friends of Sabeel North America sincerely thank everyone who participated in our Giving Tuesday fundraising drive! Your solidarity as members and friends of the Sabeel movement for Palestinian liberation is truly humbling. As of today, our Giving Tuesday sum plus preliminary donations come to a total of $7,870, which is just over $2000 shy of our Giving Tuesday goal. This is a very solid start to our 2022 Christmas Appeal and End of Year giving season. If you still wish to contribute to our work, please click on the button below. Help us continue in our mission to liberate religion from those who misuse it to justify oppression and dispossession.

Support FOSNA

FOSNA Solidarity Trip

FOSNA's delegation trip is underway! Our group is on a 9 day journey through Palestine for the start of Advent season to worship, bear witness to the injustices Palestinians face daily, and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and civil society. Stay tuned for more pictures!

Shadi Khoury

After 40 days in jail, 16 year old Shadi Khoury has been released on house arrest until the end of his trial. Thank you so much to everyone who spoke up for Shadi and used our action link to contact your Representatives for his freedom, please keep your eyes on how this story develops.

Statement from his grandmother, Samia Khoury:

I promised you won't hear from me until Shadi was at home. Well, it happened sooner than I had thought. The court session for the appeal of the District Attorney took place this morning and the judge ruled his release for house arrest. He is on his way home now, and the whole neighborhood is preparing his favorite dish of “Koussa wa waraq” (Stuffed zucchini and vine leaves.) House arrest might be a long process, but at least he is at home with the family, and his dog Abboud, and he will be doing his studies on-line, especially that his school has been so supportive. And of course, he would be joining the family in cheering his favorite teams in the World Cup games. This first Sunday of Advent was a good omen, and will remain a memorable day for Shadi and all the family and his friends. Thank you all for prayers, for your great support, solidarity and friendship, and for all the pressure you had exerted, which I am sure has helped a lot. So, with this note, our nightmare is over. Have a blessed Advent season.

Mohamed El-Halabi

Mohamed El-Halabi, director of the World Vision office in Gaza, has been in administrative detention by Israel since 2016. The fight continues for his freedom and justice, as a new message from his wife and children has been shared with us. Please read their appeal with the link below.

El-Halabi family's message

Take Action!

Preach Palestine 2022

Now Is the Time!

Friends of Sabeel North America is calling on Christian leaders across the U.S. to commit their congregations to Preach Palestine this Advent season.

Be it an entire service or a single prayer, we are asking you to once again Preach Palestine and lift up the Palestinian people such that they would come to experience the joy, justice, and peace of Christ's liberating reign, as a very real light in the present darkness.

Click the link below to learn more and find resources!

World Cup 2022


Last week, in response to the start of the World Cup kicking off in Qatar, we created graphics and a pre-written tweet button to rise up in support of imprisoned Palestinian children missing out on the simple pleasure of watching their favorite sport at home with their families.

Please keep tweeting #SoccerNotCells throughout the World Cup. Below is a new pre-written tweet of the week to send out! (Reminder: You must be logged-in first):

Raise the Flag

Palestinian, Arab and international sports fans are taking action to stand for Palestine during the 2022 World Cup. Join in actions to raise the Palestinian flag! 

  • Raise the Palestinian flag in your home, window, stadiums and viewing parties!

  • Wear a Palestinian flag or kuffiyeh armband at your World Cup events

  • Share campaigns for justice in Palestine and join the social media storms for #RaiseTheFlag and #RaisePalestineFlag

Get Involved!

We invite you to join us in the following events and activities:

  • December 11: Online

December Voices From the Holy Land Online Film Salon

We travel, take tours, and make pilgrimages to the Holy Land with a variety of motivations: to see the antiquities that form a basis for Western culture, experience different cultures, and worship sacred sites. We are welcomed and guided by people who live there. What does tourism today mean to them? What are the ethical, political, and personal implications of a journey to a place where holy sites are surrounded by 30-foot-high concrete walls, soldiers with rifles patrol the streets, and residents live under the longest military occupation in modern history? Are there ways to be a traveler and meaningfully engage with all of the lived realities in the Holy Land while also honoring the basic tenets of our faiths? Three recent, short documentaries present a variety of voices, viewpoints, and visions of the Holy Land as offered by people living there today.

Watch the film for free at your convenience | Join the Q&A Discussion

Rifat Kassis: Palestinian Christian author, speaker, and human rights activist. 

Sam Bahour: Ramallah-based American businessman and entrepreneur

Mae Elise Cannon: Executive Director, Churches for Middle East Peace

Michael Spath (moderator):  Founder & Executive Director of Indiana Center for Middle East Peace

Register here:

Watch the Trailer:

This event is Co-Sponsored by: Friends of Sabeel North America, Churches for Middle East PeacePalestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service,  and Indiana Center for Middle East Peace

SUPPORTER Organizations:  Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace ♦  Quaker Palestine Israel Network Unitarian Universalist for Justice in the Middle East Indiana Center for Middle East Peace Disciples Palestine-Israel Network Virginia Coalition for Human Rights Mennonite Palestine Israel Network Friends of Sabeel North AmericaCenter for Jewish NonviolenceEpiscopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel NetworkIsraeli Committee Against House Demolitions – USA ♦ Northern New Jersey Jewish Voice for Peace United Church of Christ – Palestine Israel Network ♦

  • December 14: Online

Zoom Interview with Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh

(ICMEP Event) Dr. Michael Spath interviews Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, founder/director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History & Institute for Biodiversity Research at Bethlehem University (

Mazin has previously taught at the University of Tennessee, Duke University, and Yale University. He has published 130+ scientific papers on topics ranging from biodiversity to cancer. Mazin's books include "Mammals of the Holy Land"; "Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli Palestinian Struggle"; and "Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment."


Register Here

Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Jerusalem:

  • Weekly

Sabeel Prayer Service. Join Sabeel every Thursday (6pm Jerusalem) for online Bible Study, discussion, and prayer. Examine scripture in light of the ongoing realities confronting the Palestinian Church and the pursuit of Palestinian liberation.

Wave of Prayer. Subscribe to receive Sabeel's Wave of Prayer, enabling friends of Sabeel around the world to pray over issues of critical concern to the Holy Land on a weekly basis.

Kumi Now! (Week 48) Kairos Document. In 1985, theologians around Soweto, South Africa issued the first Kairos Document. Twenty-four years later, theologians in Palestine issued a like-minded document. This week, as the world observes International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 29, the Kumi Now community is focusing on spreading the message of the Kairos Document, bringing Christians and non-Christians together to stand for justice and peace everywhere. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do so that together we can rise up.


Intern With Us!


A Message from El-Halabi family