A Message from El-Halabi family

A message from the spouse and children of the Palestinian prisoner, Eng. Mohammed El-Halabi, director of the World Vision office in Gaza, who has been detained without guilt by Israel since 2016.

To all the free people and those of living conscience around the world, this is our appeal to you as a family, as we stand on the eve of a new year and everyone is looking forward to the holidays season that we used to celebrate in the past in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, while Mohammed was among us.. We appeal to you in the name of humanity, in order for you to carry out your noble duties and contribute to the return of an oppressed father to his family and children.. It has been 6 difficult years for Mohammed El-Halabi, who has been oppressed in his prison, deprived of his freedom and deprived of joining his children who have grown up while he is in prison, and suffer every day, where some of whom never recognized their father, while others no longer remember features of his face.. The catastrophe is that we, as a family, have to suppress our dreams of meeting him again and have to wait for additional 6 years to have the opportunity to see Muhammad free among us; in view of the recent odd decision of the Israeli court of 12 years imprisonment, which is illigitmate ruling that transcends all limits of justice !!! We say it for the millionth time, and let the whole world hear it, that Mohammed El-Halabi is nothing more than an oppressed person who fell victim to sick fantasies of the Israeli political level and its tools, whether the military that was involved in spilling this despicable or the judicial that colluded to pass the most horrific revenge trial that did not observe the minimum guarantees of a fair trial as stipulated by the United Nations itself.. 6 years have passed and the children of Mohammed El-Halabi are still suffering from the bitterness and painful longing due to the absence of the father ; deprived of their right to embrace their father and look at his face. Here is the youngest of Mohammed’s children, who goes to bed hugging his father’s picture and falls to sleep without enjoying a loving father words to him, “Good night and good sleep son". Moreover -With all the innocence of childhood- one of Mohammad’s children insists to take a key on the next visit, to ask the prison guards to open the prison door and release his father, who is being unjustly detained for no real reason, according to all independent investigations ! So, how long will this grievance continue, and for how long will this injustice continue despite the full convection of Mohammad's innocence ..We have the right to ask, why is the free world keep silent and why the lnternational community is failing to secure the release of an oppressed humanitarian worker who has previously won the UN award of the humanitarian Hero? Please take action to proactively stand by Mohammed and do not pow to the Israeli perpetuation insulting the international community by trampling on international law and violating human rights by allowing Israel to have a position above the international law, enjoying impunity. Our appeal to you is that everyone should have the courage to strip themselves of the narrow political calculations and uphold their duties dictated by human values, to ensure the release of an innocent person who was imprisoned as a result of an Israeli political plot to tighten the unjust siege imposed on Gaza and their attempts to control the pace of humanitarian action that targets the miserable Gaza community.


El-Halabi family (Spouse and Children)


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