9/6/24 David Wildman discusses the UN and Gaza with Doug Thorpe. Previous Mark Braverman and Jonathan Kattuab discuss the churches complicity in genocide by not speaking out Next Apartheid-Free Interview with Munther Isaac You Might Also Like Palestinian Liberation Theology in Action! Mark Braverman and Jonathan Kattuab discuss the churches complicity in genocide by not speaking out Jonathan Kuttab - Christian Support for the State of Israel: Is It Biblical? (4/4) Freedom Church of the Poor: Struggle & Lament Facebook, we need to talk about Christian Zionism
9/6/24 David Wildman discusses the UN and Gaza with Doug Thorpe. Previous Mark Braverman and Jonathan Kattuab discuss the churches complicity in genocide by not speaking out Next Apartheid-Free Interview with Munther Isaac You Might Also Like Palestinian Liberation Theology in Action! Mark Braverman and Jonathan Kattuab discuss the churches complicity in genocide by not speaking out Jonathan Kuttab - Christian Support for the State of Israel: Is It Biblical? (4/4) Freedom Church of the Poor: Struggle & Lament Facebook, we need to talk about Christian Zionism