Gaza Genocide, Palestinian Christians, • 2/5/24 A Christian look at the war on Gaza #15 Jonathan Kuttab and the ICJ ruling Previous Munther Isaac: Confronting Christian Zionism and Empowering Advocates for Palestinian Liberation Next Lessons from Liberation Theology In Times of Genocide You Might Also Like Freedom Church of the Poor: Hearing the Cries of the Holy Innocents Mark Braverman and Jonathan Kattuab discuss the churches complicity in genocide by not speaking out A Briefing with Maher Hanna, Lawyer for Incarcerated World Staffer Muhammad Halabi US Holocaust Memorial Museum: Supporters Say “Never Again” Palestine: Is there a Role for Non-Violent Action?
Gaza Genocide, Palestinian Christians, • 2/5/24 A Christian look at the war on Gaza #15 Jonathan Kuttab and the ICJ ruling Previous Munther Isaac: Confronting Christian Zionism and Empowering Advocates for Palestinian Liberation Next Lessons from Liberation Theology In Times of Genocide You Might Also Like Freedom Church of the Poor: Hearing the Cries of the Holy Innocents Mark Braverman and Jonathan Kattuab discuss the churches complicity in genocide by not speaking out A Briefing with Maher Hanna, Lawyer for Incarcerated World Staffer Muhammad Halabi US Holocaust Memorial Museum: Supporters Say “Never Again” Palestine: Is there a Role for Non-Violent Action?