Where I find hope
As we approach another Christmas during Israel’s genocide against the people of Palestine, the people of the Land of Jesus, it is hard for me to see any hope, much less to act with hope.
It is much easier for me to feel despair as Christ (and his people!) remain in the rubble. I cannot help but despair as our government continues to pay the bill for the brutal destruction of the land of Jesus and the Palestinian people of God.
But, our Palestinian siblings, who live every day in the face of apartheid and genocide, live with great hope; they have no other option!
Without hope, there is no will to live.
Without hope, there is no will to keep fighting for freedom.
Without hope, there is no will to love and celebrate the good things of life, even in the midst of such evil.
As is often the case, we learn from our siblings in Palestine. We take our lead from them! Therefore we, too, have no choice but to hope, to believe, to know and to use all we have to live, to love and to fight for truth, justice, and freedom.
My hope comes from knowing that this fight is the good and right fight!
My hope comes from knowing that FOSNA is not alone in this fight; so many others around the world are with us!
My hope (and my gratitude) comes from all of you who partner with us and support us!
I also find great hope and strength from our mother organization Sabeel and her deep theological roots.
Sabeel reminds us that Jesus was a Palestinian, born under Apartheid Rome. His family were refugees, forced from their home by a violent military occupation. He was martyred by rich and powerful government and military forces.
Because of this, Palestinians, Muslim, Christian, and Jewish, know that God is one of them and God is with them, Emmanuel.
God is on their side, as God is on the side of all who are oppressed and downtrodden. Our Palestinian friends and neighbors know this, and we know it too! And if God is with us, if God is on our side, then good will triumph over evil. And one day, sooner rather than later, Palestine will be free.
This is where I find my hope.
I see the vision of Sabeel in the words of the prophet Zephaniah's beautiful vision:
"Tʜᴇ Lɪʙᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; God will voice over you with gladness; God will renew you in God's love...
I will remove disaster from you...I will deal with all your oppressors...I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth...I will bring you home."
May our warrior God, remover of disasters, continue to be present in and through all of us: in Gaza, in the West Bank, in Jerusalem, in the refugees and the diaspora, in all the world!
In hope,
Brother Chad Collins
National Organizer
Friends of Sabeel North America