Statement in Response to the Murder of Shereen Abu Akleh

FOSNA is shocked at the news of the assassination of Palestinian journalist Shereen Abu Akleh, reporter for Al Jazeera,  while she was covering Israeli army incursions in Jenin.  Shereen was pinned down with three other journalists by Israeli snipers. One of the other journalists, an eye witness to the entire event, was wounded and described the event in detail. No Israeli witnesses were identified, but the Israeli hasbara (propaganda) machine went into full “crisis management” mode in order to avoid a PR disaster.

We are outraged not only by this crime, but more so by the Israeli disinformation that attempts to create an alternative narrative, whereby “she was hit perhaps by Palestinian gunfire,” or “where the facts are not clear and may never be known,” as the Israeli army spokesman claims. This reminds us of the killing of Ahmad Al Durrah in Gaza, as his father desperately tried to protect him. Even though the shooting was filmed and caught on camera, Israel attempted to discredit any account of his killing and, in the end, no one was held responsible for his death or the death of thousands of innocent Palestinians. The Israeli attempts to evade responsibility is only matched by the cowardice of news agencies that permit this spin and fail to stand up in response to the death of one of their courageous colleagues. This is not the first time journalists have been targeted, wounded, or killed.   Journalists, human rights organizations, and other truthtellers are seen by the Israeli army  as enemies to be silenced, intimidated, or at least manipulated.

We extend our condolences to the family of Shereen, and demand that the criminals are brought to justice.


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