New Campaign: Respecting the Bodies of the Deceased
Previously, I wrote about the Israeli policy of withholding the bodies of deceased Palestinians as well as the practice of using the bodies of deceased combatants as political bargaining chips. I felt, politics aside, that this issue was fundamentally abhorrent on a moral and spiritual level and that it contradicted the teachings of the three main monotheistic religions, in addition to the provisions of international law on the treatment of those killed in combat.
I consulted with and have obtained the opinions of ministers, imams, and rabbis that indeed this is the case. As such, we are launching a campaign to obtain the signatures of religious leaders from all three religions demanding an end to such practices on spiritual, as well as humanitarian grounds. Your religious leaders, pastors, imams, rabbis, or ministers are invited to endorse FOSNA's "Declaration Regarding Respect for the Bodies of the Deceased," linked to below, which we hope to deliver publicly to the Israeli consulate and provide to the press together with the names of the religious leaders who sign it.
Today, the evil of this policy was further illustrated when Israel agreed to return the body of Palestinian youth, 14-year-old Amjad Abu Sultan, who was shot dead by Israeli soldiers while allegedly preparing to throw a Molotov cocktail on October 14. To the horror of his family, who had been waiting and pleading for his body to be returned, they received instead the body of an unidentified 30-40 years old man!!! The Israeli army apologized for the mistake, but this incident only emphasized the cruelty and lack of humanity inherent to the policy in the first place! It is yet another example of the profound dehumanization experienced by Palestinians at the hands of Israel.
Once the signatures have been collected, we will present the petition before the Israeli consulate and alert the press regarding the declaration, shining a light on the ongoing abuse of deceased bodies.
On a more pleasant note, I am happy to announce the publication of FOSNA staffer Jesse Wheeler's new book, Serving a Crucified King: Meditations on Faith, Politics, and the Unyielding Pursuit of God's Reign, available from Wipf and Stock Publishers and all major online distributors.
Jonathan Kuttab
Executive Director
Finally, I wish to leave you with this beautiful Byzantine chant wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.