Journey With Jonathan: entry #5

Today we had a delicious breakfast of Shakshukeh (Eggs on Tomatoes) and Khubbeizeh.

Khubbeizeh is a very nutritious plant that grows wild all over Palestine. When it is in season, it is a free source of rich protein. It is collected in the wild, washed, and chopped into small pieces that are fried in olive oil, with onions, salt, and pepper. It is then spooned off either separately, or scooped up in bread. Mmmmmm. Truly deelicious.

The name "Khubbeizeh" means "little bread," and indeed it is both nutritious and filling. Today, Israeli friends of Sami Awad shared this meal in Bethlehem, followed by a discussion of my book Beyond the Two State Solution. It was beautiful to discuss a joint future together based on sharing the land and its abundance, without laying exclusive claim to it on behalf of Jews or Palestinians. This amazing group had a lot of questions, but their main concern was how to sell this vision to Israelis, as it would entail their giving up their privileged position in a system built on Jewish supremacy. The feeling was that even the Israeli Left, which is protesting weekly against the new government is still not ready to accept and embrace Palestinians or their equal rights. They somehow believe they can defeat fascism and "restore Israeli democracy" without talking about the occupation or acknowledging first that the reality, even long before the current government, was neither democratic nor liberal, and that unless we can forge a new paradigm of a joint struggle for a better future for both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs, we will both fail.


Journey With Jonathan: Entry #6


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