Journey With Jonathan: Entry #3

Qalandia Checkpoint

Qalandia checkpoint is a sprawling mess through which all those coming to Jerusalem from Ramallah and the Northern West Bank must pass. It also deals with all traffic between the Northern and Southern sections of the West Bank, to ensure none enter the enlarged East Jerusalem area that has been annexed into Israel. Even for those with permission to enter through the Qalandia Checkpoint, including East Jerusalemites, the Qalandia checkpoint is a headache and a time-consuming process even in the best of times.

Yesterday, I went from Jerusalem to Ramallah by public transportation. The bus refused to continue on to Ramallah and dropped us off at Qalandia. A taxi driver on the other side also refused to drive into Ramallah, on the direct road, because the traffic jam was horrendous. He said he would be willing to take me the long way around and approach Ramallah from the northern side. The 6 km trip would now take about 24 kilometers and cost me twice as much. I asked if this was always the case, and he said no. It has been particularly bad since last week's shooting in Jerusalem. He said they are trying to punish all of us. They take forever in their inspections of all incoming traffic, and it creates a huge traffic jam in both directions. “Collective punishment,” he said.

Whether the taxi driver is right or wrong, what is definitely true is that the checkpoints throughout the West Bank are horrible places that waste time and money and result in frustration and humiliation, as all Palestinians are subject to these restrictions on their lives and travel.

The Israeli Occupation is made up not only of the shootings, arbitrary raids, and home demolitions. It also consists of numerous elements of population control and a matrix of governance built on restrictions and permits that are totally under the authority and control of the Israeli occupiers. These restrictions are numerous, constant, burdensome, and thoroughly humiliating, as they constantly remind each Palestinian that he or she lives under the arbitrary rule and control of young Israelis with guns. These heavily armed kids alone determine all aspects of Palestinian life, while Jewish Israelis who live in the same area are totally exempt from such restrictions. The name for this is Apartheid.


Journey With Jonathan: Entry #4


Journey With Jonathan: Entry #2