Hunger Strikes and Nonviolence

by Jonathan Kuttab

Khalil Awawdeh has been on a hunger strike for over 175 days, shriveling down to about 80 pounds. Doctors have given dire warnings that he may die any day now, believing that he has already suffered irreparable harm. Nevertheless, the Israeli High Court has refused to order his release, saying that they will “suspend his detention” only as long as he is in the hospital. But, it will be reinstated automatically as soon as he is well enough to leave the hospital. This is a cruel decision that acts as a clear indictment against the court itself and its moral standing.

One of the tools the state of Israel uses to maintain dominance and control over the Palestinian Arab population, besides military rule and the military court system, is administrative detention. The Israeli Prison Authority recently revealed that it currently holds 724 Palestinians under administrative detention, 11 of whom are Israeli citizens. None are Jewish. In addition to the detained victims and their families, the threat of administrative detention hangs over the heads of all Palestinians: instant and arbitrary detention without charge or trial. All that is required is a decision by the military commander that he believes the incarceration of a particular person is important for “the security of the state of Israel.” The procedure for challenging these decisions makes a mockery of justice, relying on “secret evidence” that neither the victim nor their attorney is allowed to see.

Awawdeh has had no real recourse. Instead, he decided to employ a classic tool of nonviolent resistance, the hunger strike, to bring attention to the injustice he is experiencing at the hands of Israel. He is neither the first nor last Palestinian to do so. Hunger strikes are a favorite tool of resistance for Palestinian prisoners, who have used them for many years to obtain small, incremental improvements to the conditions of their incarceration and visitation rights.

One of the reasons nonviolence is most suitable for the Palestinian struggle is that it totally undermines the security justifications Israel typically uses to justify its oppression of Palestinians. Hunger strikers are primarily hurting themselves in order to highlight the injustice of their incarceration. By choosing nonviolence, Palestinians are not abandoning the struggle, nor are they choosing an easy, “cowardly” option like some might claim. As Awawdeh shows, it takes far greater courage to opt for nonviolence, and it can carry very grave consequences for the practitioner. I cannot imagine the courage and perseverance such an action takes.

Other forms of nonviolent resistance include: Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS); building civil society institutions and documenting human rights violations; campaigning for the application of international law; and pursuing accountability for those who violate international law by committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of apartheid.

Israel, which has built for itself an extraordinary war machine with nuclear, WMD, and conventional weapons, alongside a robust arms industry, and a powerful airforce that projects its power thousands of miles beyond its borders, has little to fear from its Arab neighbors. Yet, Palestinian nonviolence seems to be a greater threat. Israel’s deportation of Mubarak Awad, champion of nonviolence during the First Intifada, its efforts (along with its international allies) to criminalize BDS, and its current crackdown on Palestinian civil society organizations all show that Israel views this form of resistance with great seriousness.

FOSNA is proud that Sabeel and Palestinian Liberation Theology have consistently advocated for nonviolence as the true Christian response to evil and oppression. While international law permits an oppressed people to resort to armed struggle, Palestinian Christians have always argued that nonviolence is the better alternative. The fact that many Palestinians, Muslim and Christian alike, are willing to take this path is encouraging.

If Palestinians and Israeli Jews are ever to live together, violence will only make such efforts more difficult. For either side, reliance on brute strength and the infliction of death and destruction upon the other will only make a just resolution and eventual reconciliation that much harder.

Those who desire peace must work for justice, and nonviolence offers us the best path forward in our work for justice. One small step would be for friends of Israel to push for the release of all administrative detainees and for abandoning policies that criminalize the peaceful activities of civil society. Such policies certainly do not make Israel more secure, nor do they contribute to eventual peace.


Jonathan Kuttab, Lara Friedman, and Susan Power speak in depth with Khalil Jahshan of the Arab Centre of Washington DC about the recent raids and closures of Palestinian civil society organizations.

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  • September 7

    “The Law and the Prophets” film discussion

    (ICMEP) "The Law and the Prophets" explains the mechanisms of control that Israel deploys to subjugate Palestinians. This highly acclaimed documentary, with commentary from Jonathan Cook, features brave individuals striving to expose these unjust, often invisible ways Israel uses to exploit, oppress and silence Palestinians.

    Watch the film beginning Thursday, Sept. 1 at your own convenience, then join the Zoom interview on Wednesday, Sept. 7, with Michael Spath moderating.

  • September 9

    Palestinian Liberation Theology in Action!

    Join Sabeel Director Omar Haramy to learn how Palestinian Christians are standing-up for the oppressed, working for justice, and engaging in peacebuilding!

    Friday, September 9 @ 1PM ET


Sabeel Prayer Service. Join Sabeel every Thursday (6pm Jerusalem) for online Bible Study, discussion, and prayer. Examine scripture in light of the ongoing realities confronting the Palestinian Church and the pursuit of Palestinian liberation.

Wave of Prayer. Subscribe to receive Sabeel's Wave of Prayer, enabling friends of Sabeel around the world to pray over issues of critical concern to the Holy Land on a weekly basis.

Kumi Now! (Week 34) Christian Zionism. All Palestinians regardless of their faith face similar challenges. However, Palestinian Christians face a specific kind of challenge from Christian Zionists who manipulate scripture to support the oppression of Palestinians. On August 22, 2006 Palestinian Christian churches addressed the threat of Christian Zionism with the “Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism.” We mark the anniversary of the declaration by learning about Christian Zionism and learning what you can do so that together we can rise up.


FOSNA’s Annual Report


#StandWithThe6: Statement In Response to Israel’s Overnight Raid