Christians Stand against Forced Displacement and False Doctrines
March 7, 2025 — Call for Signatories and Affirmations
Over 3000 “Christian Zionist” leaders affiliated with American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI), a project of the extremist International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem (ICEJ), recently issued a deeply immoral statement calling on President Trump to declare Israeli sovereignty over the entirety of the Holy Land. That statement can be accessed here. Trump is expected to make an announcement on the topic of annexation within the coming weeks, if not days.
The ACLI statement is wholly inconsistent with the God witnessed to in the pages of scripture and with our moral and ethical obligations as followers of Jesus and the Biblical prophets. We must publicly renounce such efforts and make it clear that those affiliated with ACLI do not speak on behalf of Christians or Christianity. Moreover, we must categorically reject any thinly-disguised plan to annex Palestinian land and engage in continued violence against innocent civilians in the occupied West Bank, in Gaza, and beyond.
For this reason, a diverse coalition of Christian voices committed to just peace in and beyond the Holy Land have come together to proclaim the following:
Christian Leaders, Activists, and Persons of Conscience Stand against Forced Displacement and Reaffirm the Inalienable Palestinian Right to a Life of Freedom and Dignity in their Ancestral Homeland
We the undersigned have dedicated ourselves to defending the Bible from false interpretations, most especially from those calling for the persecution, exploitation, and elimination of entire people groups. We have seen tragic examples of this over the centuries, for which we must not only repent but also must actively prevent from ever happening again.
Such is the case for an erroneous, distorted Biblical interpretation that calls for, and actively encourages, the forced removal of Palestinians. “Christian Zionism,” as it is commonly known, is a heretical theology that encourages the violent uprooting of families and entire communities from the lands and properties on which they have lived, worked, and cultivated for generations.
Calls to expand the borders of modern Israel and forcibly remove the Indigenous population represent a profound misreading of the Biblical witness, a rejection of the Gospel message, and the erasure of thousands of years of Palestinian history and culture.
To us, such a policy is profoundly unchristian, the very antithesis of what it means to follow Jesus, an Indigenous Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. Indeed, we believe that Jesus and the Hebrew Prophets would be vehemently opposed to such destructive acts.
We stand in fellowship with the Palestinian Christian communities of the Holy Land, and we honor their witness when they warn us that the world's oldest, continuous Christian community is in danger of extinction. Our siblings in Christ are under direct threat from the Israeli authorities and radical settlers who seek their removal and elimination.
As Christians, however, we stand together with all Palestinian communities struggling against ethnic cleansing, cultural erasure, and genocide: Muslim (Sunni, Shia, Druze, etc.), Christian (Arab, Armenian, Syriac/Aramaic, etc.), Jewish (Indigenous Palestinian Jews, alongside African, Samaritan, messianic, and many others who stand in opposition to ethnic cleansing and genocide), as well as non-religious and other religious minorities comprising the remarkable historic diversity of Palestine. A mosaic of different faiths and ethnic communities have lived in the Holy Land for centuries, and the attempt to erase any of them or make exclusive claims for one, at the expense of all others, is a crime against God and all humankind.
We condemn the demand that the occupied West Bank be referred to as Judea and Samaria. Doing so is an act of philosophical erasure that will then be used as justification to forcibly displace innocent people from their ancestral homes.
Let it be declared that:
The undersigned signatories reaffirm the Palestinian people’s inalienable right—affirmed by theology, history, and international law—to a life of freedom and dignity in their homeland. We reject all efforts—from the United States, Israel, and others—to dispossess the Palestinian people. Peace will come only when all peoples of the Holy Land today—Palestinian and Israeli, Christian, Jew, Muslim, people of all faiths and none—live together in a shared land. We reject ethnic cleansing. We reject the supremacy of one people over another. And, as Christians, we categorically reject the misuse of the Bible to justify acts that betray the core of our faith and the ministry of Jesus.
Signatories and Affirmations
Signatories include self-identified Christians and Christian organizations or networks who are in general agreement with the demands and theological assertions of the statement.
Affirmations are invited from all those in general agreement with the purpose and demands of the statement but may not adhere to its theological assertions or Christian identity.
Organizational Signatories
All Saints, Pasadena Middle East Ministry
Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
Asbury Park Transformative Justice Project
Association of Pittsburgh Priests
Badayl and Palestine Updates
Buena Vista United Methodist Church
Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy
Christelijk Collectief
Christians for a Free Palestine
Code Pink Inland Empire Chapter
ELCA, Southeastern Synod
Episcopal Peace Fellowship—Palestine Israel Network (EPF PIN)
The Festival Center
First United Methodist Church, Des Moines, IA
Friends of Wadi Foguin
FOSNA Pittsburgh
Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)
Gesu Peace & Justice—Detroit
Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ
Gonzaga College High School Peace Club
Independent Catholic News
Indiana Center for Middle East Peace (ICMEP)
Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism (ISCZ)
Joining Hands for Justice in Palestine
Kairos Palestine
Kairos Palestine Solidarity Network in Germany
Kairos Palestine, Sweden
Kairos/Sabeel Nederland
Marian Pallister, Pax Christi Scotland Chair on behalf of Pax Christi Scotland
Medical MIssion Sisters, Justic Office
Mennonite Church Canada Palestine Israel Network
Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN)
Middle East Task Force of Chicago Presbytery
Newman Hall Nonviolent Peacemaking Group Berkeley, Ca
NorCal Sabeel
Ohio Peace Council
Oklahomans Against Ethnic Cleansing
Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP)
Palestinian Christians for Justice
Palestine Justice Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Pax Christi England + Wales
Pax Christi Flanders, Belgium
Pax Christi Florida
Pax Christi International
Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore
Pax Christi Michigan
Pax Christi USA
Pax Christi Young Adult Caucus
Pittsburgh Area Pax Christi
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF)
Rochester Witness for Palestine
SABEEL, France
Saint Isidore Catholic Worker Farm
Shalom United Church of Christ, New Haven
Tears for Gaza
United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
Valley View Church
Voices for Justice in Palestine
Individual Signatories
(Organizations listed here for informational purposes only)
Rev. Alex Awad—Professor Emeritus, Bethlehem Bible College; Retired UMC Missionary
Jesse Steven Wheeler, M.Div. —Associate Executive Director, Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)
Priscilla Reed—Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Dee Roberts, MA, MDiv, MILS—Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism (ISCZ)
Rev. Joy Smith
Rev. Ronee Christy
Dr. Bob Ross
Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe—PC(USA Clergy)
Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow—Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Pauline Coffman—Middle East Task Force of Chicago Presbytery
Ruth DeYoe
Manal Hazzan
Rubin McClain
Prof. Nadera Kevorkian
Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell
Cate Tedford, M.Div.
Sue Dravis
Rev. Ellen Dozier
Rev. Donald Smith
Sue Ellen Hall, Elder
The Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig
Rev. Dr. Antonio Aja
Joe Roos
Barbara Sheets
Kayla Mann
Ann S
Brittany Boone
Ken MacBain
Chris Inserra
Rev. Rebecca Konegen
Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams
Charles Boteler
M Theresa Basile
Chrystal France
Rev. Dr. Laurie Lyter Bright—Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF)
Willam Koenig
Jenna Cobb
Rev. Dexter Kearny
Rev. Liz Kearny
Mark Koenig
Anne Retzlaff
Rev. Fred Milligan
Rev. Danielle Kendig
Sue Foran
Annetta Peneguy
Ronald Shive, PCUSA Minister
Leah Johnson
Dr. Mary Tintes—FGCU
Brad Smith
Rick Yoder
Rev. Gail Doering
Rev. Debbie Braaksma
Pastor Christine Coy Fohr—Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church
James Blansett—Organizer, Activist, Oklahomans Against Ethnic Cleansing
Donna Hicks
Mike Fischer, LICSW
Rev. Scott Hill—Aspinwall Presbyterian Church
Rev. Katherine Cunningham
Rev. Patricia Lloyd-Sidle—Palestine Solidarity Working Group of Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Nancy Lister-Settle, Ruling Elder, PCUSA
Rena Y
Rev. Dora Arce
Nicholas Griffin—Executive Director, Americans for Middle East Understanding
Maud Bartlett
Ellen Burnette
Professor Charles Peterson
Dr. Jane Kevern
Emma Horrocks
Annette Shine
Michael Connaughton
Ruth Farrell
Rev. John Wagner
Mark Mehos
Rev. Rebecca Barnes
Cari Ascheman
Kristian Larsen, MA Archeology
Rev. Chad Collins—Valley View Church
The Rev. Christine Caton
Mary Ellen Howard—Sisters of Mercy
Carol Ekdahl-Garwood—Co-Chair, United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
Pastor Mark Davis, Theologian
Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird—First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain
Carrie Muniak
Lisa Bender—Co-Chair, United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
Linda Tomala
Drew Harenberg
Ray Pelling, M.Div.
Andrea Michael—Chorlton Central Church
Cherie Booker
Anne Koerber
Bill Vandivier
Randall Heyn-Lamb, RN, BSN
The Rev. Dr. Anne Wheeler-Waddell
Rev. Anne Weirich
Susan McQueen-Ray
Marianne Bernard
Rev. Dr. Spike Coleman
Rev. KT Ockels
Marianne Thompson, Professor Emerita of New Testament, Fuller Seminary
Rev. Dr. Kathy Sizer
Dr. Tom Twiss
Kathleen Dieterich
Beth Brockman
Judith Shipley
Leila Richards, MD, MPH
Pastor Jeffrey Spencer—Niles Discovery Church
Rev. Mark Barnes
Tihomir Kukolja—ROM - Renewing Our Minds Director 2001-2019
Shawna Bowman—Friendship Presbyterian Church
Jimmy Shafe
Jeanne Connerney
Prof. ELI MCCARTHY—Franciscan Action Network (FAN)
Pete Sommer
Rev. Tina DeYoe
Byron Rempel-Burkholder—Mennonite Church Canada Palestine Israel Network
Doug Welch
Kim Redigan—Pax Christi Michigan
Rev. J. Mark Davidson—Executive Director, Voices for Justice in Palestine
Mimi Darragh—Pittsburgh Area Pax Christi
Kathryn Habib—Orthodox Christians for Palestine
Maria Plata
Rev. Doug Mitchell
Rev. / Judge Wendell Griffen
Kristi Lentz, MTS
Kim Olstad
Rev. Christopher Harbin—Wingate UMC
Phil Tom
Michael J. Gorman—Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology
Brian Gorman
Rev. Korte Yeo—United Church of Christ
Anna Greene
Rev. Denise Griebler
Rev. Debra Avery
Russell Hewett
Rita Chastang
Theresa Buley
Dr. Rick Nutt
Fr. Mark George
Rev. Karen BERNS
Pam Johnson
Rev. John Gregory-Davis—United Church of Christ Movement for Palestinian Solidarity
Dr. Kait Dugan
Stephanie Casey
Johanna Collins
Rev Dr Heidi Armstrong
Pastor Julissa Alvarez-Garcia
Christopher Traft
Noelle Lindenmann—Ruling Elder
Rev. Joanna Lawrence Shenk—First Mennonite Church of San Francisco
The Rev. Dr. David Taylor
Richard Bowles—Pastor of Christian Formation, Simplicity Church OKC
Barbara Nagy
Rev. Marcella Glass
Mary Peterson
Franklin Love
Megan Morrow
Joyce Rothermel—Board Member, Association of Pittsburgh Priests
George Evalt—Licensed Lay Minister, SE MI Synod ELCA
Rev. Renae Johnson
Dr. Claudette Harring
Sister Martha Ann Kirk—Professor Emerita, Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Barry Harvey—Professor of Theology
Rev. Bruce Tischler
Rev. Dr. David Starling
Carolyn Michalski
Sue Westfall—General Presbyter
Rev. Christine Cowan—ELCA
Karen Caligiuri
Newland Smith
Michael Thomson
Mary Yoder, MSN RN
Sandra Nott
Rachel Weller
Rev. Rick Behrens
Michelle Overholt
Teresa Van Zant
Becky Stein
Belinda Strickland
Antonio Droge
Patricia Ford
Shawn Stein
Rev. Mindy Fugarino—Independence Boulevard Christian Church
Kim Weaver
Kristianna Polder—Associate Professor of British Civilisation and History
Tess Etzel
James Butler
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Langer
Theresia Rexeisen
Rev. Eliana Maxim
Rev. Dr. Robert Hoch-Yidokodiltona—Minister of Word and Sacrament (Presbyterian Church USA)
The Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman
Mona Thomas
Rose Crowley
Rev. Magdalena Garcia
Pastor John Welch
Rev. Richard Milton
Benjamin Rush
Rebecca Newlin
Dr. Scott Hagley
Rev. Danielle Shroyer
Susan Wonderland—Retired, PCUSA Pastor
Rev. Sara Ofner-Seals
Dr. Peter Gilmore
Caitlin Werth
Charlie Sears
Minister Philip Sloat
Dr. Rose S
Rev. Martha Koenig Stone
Timothy Notehelfer
Corliss Mock
Audrey Cottle, MA—Ruling Elder PCUSA
Katherine Lee
Rev. Bebb Dtone—Honorably Retired, PCUSA
Pastor John DElia—First Presbyterian Church San Luis Obispo
Phyllis Olivier
Gene L Green—Professor Emeritus of New Testament
Lauren Brownlee
Brian Cubbage—Ruling Elder, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Pastor John Creasy
Teresa Kingfield
Bill Galvin
Vicki Tamoush
Matthew Stoner
Jessica Stensrud
Crystal Hartford
Linden Jenkins
Robert Levering
Anne Else
Lisa Printy—Assistant Pastor
Pastor David Ensign
Rev. Vir Bairby
Ellen Burkhardt
Dr. Brenda Mehos'
Rev. Donald Smith
Rachel Wittlinger
Anne Lipe
Vivian Norman
Rev. Laura Blank
Rev. Dr. Tricia Tedrow
Rev. Dr. Matthew Colwell
Pastor Carolyn Cranston
Eva Stimson
Rev. Margery Rossi—Minister for Gun Violence Prevention, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Beth Carlson-Malena—Co-Pastor,
Dr. Martha Banks
Dr. Tony MItchell
Dr. Carolyn Gifford
Dr. Nathan Williams
Paula Roderick—Lay Leader
Brian Volck, MD, MFA
Barbara Julian
Louis L Knowles—PCUSA retired pastor
Professor Charles Pillsbury
Kerry Dearborn—Professor of Theology, Emerita
Elvin Siebert
The Rev. Jack Eggleston—Retired ELCA Pastor
Rev. Brandon Woodworth
Rev. Tyler Orem
Rev. Raymond Kovach
Rev. Sara Webb Phillips
Rev. Frederick Harms
Rev. Dr. Allan Bevere
Rev. Boppy GramMary
Rev. Jason Dauer—First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood
Rev. Marietta Macy—Palestine Justice Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Sandra Olsen
The Rev. David Carver
Nadia Brennan
Constance Foss—Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church
M. Catherine Smythe Zajc
Karen Wilson
Nora Pfeiffer
Rula Khoury
Mark Harrison
Carol Wade
Natalie Buck
Gordon Olson
Anne Woodhead
Kris Lausterer
Janice Brunson
Pat Minor
Derek Hands
Nancy Coziahr
Kateri Boucher
Connie Hammond
Cynthia Tobias
Aisling Cornett
Tonya Dalton
Carmen Stark
Philip Cooper
Christina Fournier
Edwin Darling
Patricia Waite
Molly Burger
Michael Thomson
Don Weingarten
Edward Cook
Heidi Jablonski
Mary Johnson—Pax Christi Metro New York
Kathleen McCullagh
Rev. Neal Christie—Principal, The Religious Nationalisms Project (TRNP)
The Rev. Dr. Allie Perry
Jessica Sun
Judy Coode—Pax Christi USA
George Hunsinger—McCord Professor of Theology, Princeton School of Theology
Rev. Tori Sumner
Rev. Dr. Andy Brock
Rev. Mary Lynn Tobin
Marianne Albina
Susanne Hoder
Louis Weeks
Mary Ann Dzurec
Spencer Phelps
Mary Ann Kerr
ELisabeth Eilers
Lauren Terry
Randie Clawson
Dr. Michael Spath
Marian Pallister, Pax Christi Scotland Chair on behalf of Pax Christi Scotland
Derek Bloom—Founder, Asbury Park Transformative Justice Project
Rev. Vathanak Heang—Buena Vista United Methodist Church
Dr. Remco van Mulligen—Christelijk Collectief
Cole Parke-West—Christians for a Free Palestine
Bishop Kevin Strickland—ELCA, Southeastern Synod
Christine Anders—Chair Missions and Social Concerns, First United Methodist Church, Des Moines, IA
Barbara Erickson, NorCal Sabeel
Josephine Siedlecka—Editor, Independent Catholic News
Barbara Brigham—Justice Promoter, Medical Mission Sisters, Justice Office
Alan Roselius, Chairperson, Newman Hall Nonviolent Peacemaking Group Berkeley, Ca
Werner Lange—Ohio Peace Council
Arn dekker—Pax Christi England + Wales
Michael Martin—State Coordinator of Pax Christi Florida
Robert Cooke—Co-Chair, Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore
Brenna Anglada—Saint Isidore Catholic Worker Farm
Bill Mefford—Executive Director, The Festival Center
Rev. J. Mark Davidson—Executive Director, Voices for Justice in Palestine
John Stoltzfus, MT | LMHCA—Tears for Gaza
Carrie Muniak—Activist
Geert Vervaele—Author
Bishop Donald Kreiss—Southeast Michigan Synod, ELCA
Bishop Bruce Ough—The United Methodist Church
Brother Mark Woodgate, TSSF
Kristin Caynor—Chaplain
Janice Steven—Community Chaplain
Richard Sewell—Dean of St George’s College, Jerusalem
Dr. Ruth Hamad
Dr. Antonia Cordero
Dr. Beatrice Cox
Dr. Douglas Hynd
Dr. Deenabandhu Manchala
Dr. Marthie Momberg—Dutch Reformed Church, South Africa
Dr. Carol LaHurd—ELCA
Dr. Henry Landau
Dr. Carol Brees
Dr. Marisol Munoz-Kiehne
Darrel Peterson—ELCA Pastor
Dr. Rod Schofield—ELCA Representative to the ELCJHL School Board
David Mesenbring—Episcopal Priest
Kelly Johnson—Fr. William J. Ferree Chair of Social Justice, University of Dayton
Mackenzie Doyle—Justice Promoter
Chrishanthy Thevarajah
Eugene Gonsowski
Robert Smith
Helen Russell
Trudy Stegmann
Dorothea Jessop
Kathryn Rodgers
Arlene Renshaw
Barbara Mensendiek
Irene Masulya
Ubai Aboudi—Palestinian Human Rights Defender
Pastor Yoshiya Kuramoto—San Pedro UMC
Pastor Marcia Schultz
Andrea Paret—Peace with Justice Coordinator, Great Plains Conference of The United Methodist Church
Prof. Hans Morten Haugen
Prof. Dr. Peter Lodberg
Ali Hamdallah—Researcher
John Alder
John Best-Retired Minister
Joan Deming—Retired Pastor
Herman Waetjen—Retired Professor
Rev. Steven Lottering—Methodist Church of Southern Africa
Rev. Bonnie Van Overbeke
Rev. Jill Henning
Rev. Dr. Tim Dearborn
Rev. Prof. Dr. Christopher Ferguson—Chancellor - Qonakuy: Network of Protestant and Evangelical Universities of Iberoamérica, Internacional Visiting Professor, Universidad Reformada- Colombia, Former General Secretary, World Communion of Reformed Churches; Ordained Minister, United Church of Canada
Rev. Dr. Lynn Rhodes
Rev. Jessie Turnier—St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
Rev. Lizette Tapia—United Methodist Church
Rev. Diane Wong
Rev. Addie Domske
Rev. Jeanette Mater
Rev. Jack Mithelman
Rev. Joel Miller
Rev. Doug Mitchell
Rev. Henriette du Rieu—Retired minister and Uospital Chaplain, Chair Working Group; Workgroup Middle East, Doopsgezind WereldWerk
Rev. Steven Blinder
Rev. Dr. Allison Parvin
Rev. Dr. Andrew Ashdown
Rev. Dr. Devin Srong
Rev. Dr. Teresa Eisenlohr
Rev. James King—Nathan King, Pastor Trinity UCC, Concord NC
Rev. Teri Nilson Baird—Christian Church Disciples of Christ
Rev. Emily Lin
Rev. Emma Neishloss
Rev. Sharon Prestemon
Rev. John McCullough
Jan Benvie—Secretary, Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
Sister Judith Carrara—Congregation of the Humility of Mary
Sister Rosemarie Goins—Felician Sisters of North America
Sr. Mary Jo McElroy—RSHM
The Rev Dr Connie Bramlett—Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church Marietta GA
The Rev. Judith Beck
Bishop Ray Chamberlain—UMC Bishop (retired)
Richard Edelstein—Friends of Wadi Fauquin
Heidi Newby-Rose—LEKWA One World Collective
Sue Hamilton—Limekilns Church congregation
Ronald Matthews
Linda Weingarten
Tim Day
Trayce Peterson
Renita Reed-Thomson
Joel Melgren
Tim Wright
James Ruck
McKenna Hight
Evelyn Christie
Paul Renshaw
Beverly Henkel
Sharon Shohfi
Susan Kerin
Paul Marusek
Ann Graham
Joy Hofer
Beverly Davis
Louis Ricou
Lora Allgood
Kassandra Quick-Vana
Steven Sprecher
Sara Pahl-Ramirez
Lauren McKenna
Christine Sandom
Ann Farr
Esther Roycroft-Boswell
Miranda Pinch
Sharen Green
Erik Pearse
Mindy Foley
Caleb Pusey
Helen Jacobson
Mike Conley
George Foster OFS
Ann Ferguson
Melodie Kelley
Deb Baker
Mary Allen
Linda Scherzinger
Phoebe Sharp
Rachel Johnson
ARLINE Schoenberger
Elizabeth Davis
Rob van Drimmelen
Marie Clardy
Joe Eiben
Kari Lorentzen
Michelle Cochran
John Howard Jr.
Beth Uy
Giorgio Brunello
Randy Coleman
Dorothy Jean Beyer
Jane Lavery
Adrie Minnaard
Judy Illigmarlon smit
Lily Kennedy
Diane Beck
Samantha Ea
Ralston Deffenbaugh
Sue ZJennifer Duskey
Susan Brogden
Paula Rainey
Ken Willey
David Janzen
Evan Fearn
Karla Grafton
Ziad Elias Demian
Sara Johnson
Raechel Chen
Suzanne Sims
Janet Luecke
Jessica Pollard
Alissa Skinner
Tim Clayton
William Skinner
Andrea Rip
Debra Lazzaro
David Bennett
Jacqueline Dwyer
Jennifer Grosvenor
Kendall Bills—Sojourners UCC
Nidal Abuzuluf—YMCA
Tina Whitehead
Nan Cooney
Nancy Peterson
Scot McKnight
Jane Heany
Elaine Johnson
Patricia Russell
Kathy Magruder
Alice Kosnik
Linda Kateeb
Anne Deighan
Amy Trawick
Gwendolyn Hoeffel
Mary Peterson
Rev. John Paarlberg
Lynette King
Andy Winter
Naomi Junnor
Rev. Steve Berube
Organizational Affirmations
Americans for Middle East Understanding (AMEU)
American Muslims for Palestine—Chicago
Christian-Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel-Palestine
Democracy Out Loud
Des Moines for Palestine
First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain
Friendship Presbyterian Church
Iowans for Palestine
Palestine Justice Network of the Presbyterian Church USA Bay Area
Oregon/Idaho United Methodist Holy Land Task Force
Presbytery of San Jose of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME)
Individual Affirmations
Neal Presa—Executive Presbyter (Presbytery of San Jose), Past Moderator of 220th General Assembly (Presbyterian Church USA)
Deborah Lattimer
Brenda Mehos
David Horvath—Louisville Ceasefire Coalition
James Baird
Elena Woodworth
Rev. Beverly Fest
Barbara Chapin
Rev. Dr. Crystal Silva McCormick
Jack Kamps
Carole Ball
Lisa Kendall
Kevin Subers
Bengu Tekinalp
Pastora Karen Hernandez-Granzen
Colette Burke
Rev. Joseph Daiker
Rev. Philip Hamner
Rebekah Fox
Jerry Tankersley—Retired PCUSA pastor
Rev. Carlos L Malave
Marianne Melielo
Daniel F Kornfield
Sadaf Hussain
Suzannah Beil
Rev Dr John S Anderson Rev Dr—Moderator, Palestine Justice Network of the Presbyterian Church USA Bay Area
Sima Bakalian, MD
Dianne Poole, RN
Heidi Bolgren
Corrie Covell
Sharon Conlon
Rula Khoury
Grace Marable
Doral Poujade—Chair, Oregon/Idaho United Methodist Holy Land Task Force
Rev. Michael Yoshii
Rania Abba
Gus Kan
Prof. Dr. Theol. Ulrich Duchrow—Kairos Palestine Solidarity Network in Germany
Dana Ashrawi—Executive Director, Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East
Susan Landau—Christian-Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel-Palestine
Rev. Dr. Robert Goldstein
Robert Diedrichs
Lana Sarky—Women Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry
David Suter
Rev. Joseph Summers
Lora Jo Foo
Elisabeth Trost
Linda Burnham Larish
Elizabeth Leas—Board Member of Middle East Peace Education Coalition
Sara Simon
Rev. Dcn. Michael Siskar
Penny Wilcox
Ruth Ward
Hinalei Moors
Samia Tossio
Dave Rose
Linda Rose
John Goodman
Sarah Oba
Rev. David Killingsworth
Pastor Kirk Moore
John Garrett—Associate Proessor (retired)
Tyler Broadwell
Brice Brenneman
Patricia Spurr
Jeanane Abou Jaoude
Dory Sfeir—Retired Engineer
Rev. Kurt Cooper
Nancy Cardoso—theologian and land pastoral aticvist