Annual Membership Drive 2023

Join the international movement for liberation, justice and peace in the Holy Land. After a two-year hiatus, FOSNA is reinstituting its Annual August Membership Drive: 

Thank you so much for your commitment to liberation, justice, and peace in the Holy Land. Consider becoming (or renewing your commitment as) a Supporting Member or Sustaining Member of FOSNA today?

  • Become a supporting member for as little as $15/year, OR

  • Maximize your impact as a sustaining member for as little as $5/month

As a small token of our appreciation, all new supporting or sustaining members will receive a code for a free booklet download from the FOSNA Bookstore. All new members are invited to FOSNA’s forthcoming all-member online gathering. Details TBA.  

All members contributing a gift of $100 or more during the month of August 2023 will receive a copy of FOSNA Executive Director Jonathan Kuttab’s new memoir, The Truth Shall Set You Free: The Story of a Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer Working for Peace and Justice in Palestine/Israel.

Each day, the news out of Palestine becomes ever more heartbreaking. Meanwhile, it seems those of us crying out for justice often feel like a lone voice in the wilderness, standing against an onslaught of:

  • misinformation & misdirected anger

  • complicit & apathetic institutions

  • cynical accusations of antisemitism, &

  • an ongoing prevalence of destructive & bigoted ideologies. 

As friends of Sabeel, however, we stand together in solidarity, secure in our calling as an unapologetic voice for Palestine. With the international spotlight once again on Palestine/Israel, we have an unprecedented opportunity to highlight the reality that Israel, to Palestinian eyes, has never been a democracy. The challenges before us are great, but together we are making a real difference:

  • We are challenging the powers of oppression and domination that humiliate and suppress the Palestinian people; 

  • Destructive theologies, ideologies, and assumptions no longer go unchallenged;

  • Americans continue to grow more aware of the realities of Israeli apartheid and the settler-colonial violence on which it is built; 

  • And, we proudly support the essential work of Sabeel in Palestine, in solidarity with all Palestinians steadfast in their demand for justice and truth.

Becoming a member of a grassroots membership organization like FOSNA means joining an international movement of committed activists, advocates, academics, individuals of conscience, clergy and lay leaders, students, and a whole host of modern-day prophets speaking truth to power and striving together for liberation, justice, and peace in the Holy Land. Our members are our strength, and we need you.

Join us in standing alongside and supporting the remarkable people of Palestine in their ongoing quest for liberation, justice, and peace. 

  • Become a supporting member for as little as $15/year, OR

  • Maximize your impact as a sustaining member for as little as $5/month

Ways to be involved in the movement for liberation, justice, and peace in the Holy Land include:

  • Connecting with a local/regional FOSNA gathering and/or establishing one in your area for local action, outreach, and camaraderie;

  • Participating in a witness or solidarity trip to Palestine and/or helping organize one for your community;

  • Organizing within religious and denominational networks and/or your local faith/civic communities;

  • Supporting a national or regional campaign for justice;

  • Engaging in Morally Responsible Investment, organizing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions activities, and/or challenging local anti-boycott laws;

  • Challenging the false and destructive theology of Christian Zionism, joining a national action network like the FOSNA Clergy and Seminary Action Council (CSAC), and/or joining or establishing a student group on campus;

  • Helping with fundraising, outreach, and communication efforts and/or taking collective action online, by sending thousands of calls, emails, and tweets to hold those in power accountable;

  • Writing editorials and letters to the editor and/or showing up and making your voice heard at city council meetings, congressional town halls, and outside embassies, consulates, or complicit businesses and corporations;

  • Connecting with activists on the ground in Palestine and International friends of Sabeel via weekly Kumi Now sessions, Sabeel Online Bible Studies, and/or regular FOSNA webinars and regional conferences.

Join us in our mission to liberate religion from those who misuse it to justify oppression and dispossession. We need your voice.

  • Become a supporting member for as little as $15/year, OR

  • Maximize your impact as a sustaining member for as little as $5/month

Many blessings,

Jesse Steven Wheeler, M.Div

Executive Administrator | Development Director

FOSNA: A Christian Voice for Palestine


Attacks On Christianity in Palestine


Crisis in the Holy Land