Al-Maseeh Qam! Christ is Risen!
By Rev. Naim Stifan Ateek
Dear Friends,
It is a privilege to write to you on behalf of Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA). I would like to thank you for your support of our mission and ministry. With the help of a small group of intimate friends in Jerusalem, and by the Grace of God, we started, 30 years ago, the Sabeel movement for a just-peace in Palestine. Our Palestinian people have been languishing for years under an oppressive and illegal Israeli occupation. With the support of FOSNA and other Christian organizations, we have been championing the cause of justice for the Palestinian people.
Help us to continue.
The Easter season is the time in which we remember that God in Christ conquered the powers of evil and death. As followers of the living Christ, we continue to challenge the powers of domination and oppression that humiliate and suppress our people and replace them with justice, peace, and reconciliation.
Through this Easter Appeal, I would like to appeal to you, our friends, to give to FOSNA’s ministry so that its voice for advocacy and its action for justice and liberation would be strengthened and multiplied.
God Bless,
Rev. Naim Stifan Ateek
President, FOSNA Board of Trustees
News & Announcements
Holy Week Reflections: All this week, FOSNA has been sharing daily meditations with a particular focus on the socio-political implications found within the events of Holy Week.
Join Sabeel founder Rev. Canon Naim Ateek, alongside Samia Khoury, Cedar Duaybis, Sandra Khoury, and Nahida Halaby Gordon, as well as global representatives from the international Sabeel movement, this coming Holy Saturday for our annual Easter in Jerusalem virtual service. Register Today!