Inside Israeli Apartheid: A Video Report from Mondoweiss. (2022). This excellent, straightforward, and powerful 22-minute video shows how Israel has established an apartheid system and controls and oppresses Palestinians living in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, as well as refugees. It can be viewed here.
Amnesty International’s Report: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: A Cruel System of Domination and a Crime Against Humanity (2022). “The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as well as displaced refugees in other countries.” The report can be found here.
A Numerical Report by Three Palestinian Organizations: Assault on Gaza in Numbers (2022). The report focuses on the impact of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza on civilian Palestinian lives and livelihoods. It can be read here.
Human Rights Watch Report: A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution (2021).
This damning report from Human Rights Watch is a must-read and can be found here.
B'Tselem Report: Regime of Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This Is Apartheid (2021).
This report from B'Tselem (The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) documents how Israel treats Palestinians very differently from Jews (e.g., repressive laws that apply only to Palestinians; illegal settlements/colonies in the West Bank; the blockade of Gaza). The report can be found here.
Amnesty International Report: Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories (2019)
This report addresses several issues including unlawful killings by Israeli military and security forces; the impact of Israel’s blockade of Gaza and actions in the West Bank on Palestinians’ freedom of movement and access to health care, water, and sanitation; and the unlawful detention of Palestinians and their prosecution in military courts. The report can be found here.
U.N. Report: Israeli Practices Affecting Human Rights of Palestinian People in Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem—Report of the Secretary-General (A/74/468) (2019)
This report focuses on Israeli actions affecting Palestinian human rights in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019. It reports on excessive Israeli force leading to hundreds of Palestinian deaths and the injury of thousands of Palestinians; illegal settlement building and settler violence; forced eviction of Palestinians and home demolitions; and the impact of these actions on the human rights of Palestinians. The report can be found here.
Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on 7 December 2017: Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan
This resolution addresses Israeli settlement activities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, and their impact on the human rights of Palestinians. The report covers the period from June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019. The report addresses multiple issues, including: the increase in settlement building; the actions of the Israeli government, politicians, and the courts in settlement expansion; settler violence throughout the Occupied Territories, especially Nablus and Hebron; the culpability of Israeli security forces in settler violence; the impact of settler violence on access to Palestinian lands and livelihoods; the impact of house and school demolitions on Palestinians; attacks on human rights defenders; and Israeli contraventions of international law. The report can be found here.
Human Rights Watch Report: Israel and Palestine: Events of 2018
This report documents multiple aspects of Israel’s actions against Palestinians, including its disproportionate military, economic, and humanitarian response to Palestinian protests in Gaza; actions of Israeli occupation forces and settlers in the West Bank; the arbitrary detention of Palestinians; and the detention of Palestinian children. It also reports on rockets fired from Gaza into Israel and the responses of the Palestinian Authority (in the West Bank) and Hamas (in Gaza) to their opponents and critics. In addition, the report documents actions in Israel directed at its Palestinian citizens, including demolishing Bedouin homes. The report can be found here.
T.U.R.A.T.H. Reports: Teaching, Understanding and Representing Arabs Throughout History (2012 and 2020)
How well are Arab and Muslim American students represented in high school learning experiences in the Bay Area? Not well, if at all, according to a study conducted by the youth arm of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center. The report can be found here.
The Goldstone Report “The Goldstone Report: Human Rights in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories: Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict” (September 25, 2009)
The U.N. fact-finding mission was established to investigate alleged war crimes in the Israeli war on Gaza in 2008-2009. It was headed by renowned South African judge Richard Goldstone. The mission found Hamas guilty of grave breeches of international law. However, the report is much more damning of Israel, stating that Israel had engaged in a “deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate, and terrorize a civilian population.” This indictment of Israel was not received well in Israel and the U.S., and Judge Goldstone was attacked. The report can be found here. In 2011, Goldstone retracted this statement; his three co-authors released a joint statement criticizing Goldstone’s recantation. Articles that critique the report and Goldstone’s retraction of the official report can be found below:
Bisharat, George. Some Responses to the Goldstone Report (before and after Goldstone’s retraction)
“Goldstone Report: Israel’s failings,” LA Times (Sept. 19, 2009).Falk, Richard. “Why Goldstone’s Report Matters” (Sept. 19, 2009)
Horowitz, A., Ratner, L, & Weiss, P. (Eds.). (2011). The Goldstone Report: The Legacy of the Landmark Investigation of the Gaza Conflict. New York: Nation Books.
This publication has two main sections: 1) an abridged version of the official report, and b) chapters on the legacy of the Goldstone report. Contributors include Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, and South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu.