There are many songs and hymns that send messages of peace and justice, we do not attempt to list those here. Instead, we have collected a few songs that specifically connect to Palestine. 

Yarabba Ssalami (God of Peace)

This passionate prayer for peace is a traditional Palestinian Christian Hymn. Sample music available here

Transliterated Lyrics
Yarabba ssalami amter alayna ssalam,

Yarabba ssalami im la’ qulubana ssalam.

Poetic translation:
God of Peace, rain peace upon us,
fill our hearts with peace.

Singing translation:
God of peace and of justice, rain down upon us your peace.
God of peace and of justice, fill every heart with your peace.


Little Drummer Boy by Voices from Bethlehem

We recommend this video used with permission from Voices for Bethlehem, and available on YouTube. 


O Come Emanuel (Alternative Lyrics)

Many find the Hymn O Come Emanuel problematic because of the way the term “Israel” is used. This rendition by Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad offers a liberative update. 


1. O come, O come, Emmanuel
And bless the place your peo-ple dwell Melt ev’ry weapon craft-ed for war
Bring peace u-pon the earth for-ever more.


Rejoice, rejoice! Take heart and do not fear, God’s chosen one, Emmanuel, draws near.

2. O come, strong branch of Jes-se, free
Your own from Satan’s ty-ranny;
Forge justice for the poor and the meek,
Grant safety for the young ones and the weak. Refrain

3. O come now, living water, pour your grace,
And bring new life to ev’ry withered place;
Speak comfort to each trem-bling heart:
“Be strong! Fear not, for I will ne’er depart.” Refrain


O Come All Ye Faithful Alterative Lyrics (video)

O come all ye faithful

Those who care for justice,

O look ye, o look ye at Bethlehem.


Come and behold it,

Under occupation.

O come let’s not ignore it.

O come let’s not ignore it

O come let’s not ignore it –

Tell the world.


Sing all ye people

Sing in indignation

Be with the citizens of Bethlehem.


Sing out for justice,

Freedom from oppression.

O come let’s not ignore it,

O come let’s not ignore it,

O come let’s not ignore it –

Tell the world.


O come all ye faithful

Those who care for justice,

O look ye, o look ye at Bethlehem.


Come and behold it,

Under occupation.

O come let’s not ignore it,

O come let’s not ignore it,

O come let’s not ignore it –

Tell the world. 


More songs with Alternative Lyrics


The Sea Green Singers annually produce “Carols for Palestine.” Classic Christmas carols with alternative lyrics that speak to the plight of Palestinians.
Please peruse their collection.


Christ Church Worship 11/29/2020

