No Way to Treat a Child

Take action today:
Defend the rights of Palestinian children!
FOSNA offers its full support to the No Way to Treat a Child Campaign based in Washington, D.C. The No Way to Treat a Child Campaign seeks to raise awareness about the Israeli state practice of imprisoning Palestinian children by briefing congressional officials and advocating on behalf of prisoners who are unable to speak for themselves.
The No Way to Treat a Child Campaign is led by Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy, American Friends Service Committee and Defense for Children International Palestine, and is supported by Jewish Voice for Peace, FOSNA, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine, Arab Jewish Partnership, American Muslims for Palestine, Middle East Task Force of Chicago Presbytery, Working Group on Middle East a Ministry of Metro Chicago Synod, and Christian Peacemaker Teams.
5.2 Million Churchgoers Say: Stand with the Oppressed by Supporting Palestinian Children’s Rights (H.R. 2407)!
Several denominations, representing 5.2 million Americans, have taken action against U.S. complicity in the abuse of Palestinian children, including the Episcopal Church, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church, Alliance of Baptists, Disciples of Christ, and seven conferences of the United Methodist Church. These churches condemn the violence of Israel’s brutal military occupation and demand that U.S. tax dollars not be used to fund the abuse of Palestinian children.
Their resolutions are testaments to the universality of our progressive principles: supporters of justice and equality everywhere must oppose separate-and-unequal systems anywhere, including the separate-and-unequal military detention system for Palestinian children.
Vigil for the International Day for the Protection of the Child. Photo Credit: FCNL
Support H.R.2590
Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act (H.R. 2590). The U.S. budget is immoral. It gives exorbitant amounts of money for militarism, while underfunding needed programs in our communities. Instead of investing in our healthcare, education, and the environment, our government is funding Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.
Christian Zionist organizations, like Christians United for Israel (CUFI), are lobbying our representatives to invest more of our tax dollars in weapons to Israel, despite the Israeli military's many human rights abuses against Palestinians. We must do our part to counter their efforts!