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Claremont: A Talk by Palestinian Pastor Rev. Munther Isaac

Claremont, California

You're invited to: a Talk by Palestinian Pastor Rev. Munther Isaac

Thursday, August 8th @ 7:00pm

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

1700 N. Towne Ave, Claremont CA

Join us in hearing from Rev. Munther Isaac, a profound Christian
Palestinian voice visiting from Bethlehem. He will be addressing the
silence of many U.S. churches in the face of mass civilian causalities
and destruction of the Palestine homeland and Christian Zionism.

Rev. Isaac pastors the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem and the Lutheran Church in Beit Sahour. He is also the academic dean of Bethlehem Bible College. Last year, he gave the powerful Christmas sermon "Christ in the Rubble" calling for an end to genocide, a sermon that resonated around the world. Rev. Isaac is also the author of β€œThe Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope.”

July 16

Building Christian Solidarity with Palestine

August 9

Pasadena: You are Invited to An Evening with Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac