Delegation Leaders Pre-Travel Checklist (Template)

Dates & Logistics 

  • [Place dates here.] 

  • [#] night[s] in Amman, Jordan [Provide dates] 

  • Bus will drive delegation to Allenby Bridge on [date] and back on [date] 

  • The group should fly into Amman, Jordan by [date]. A hotel in Amman will be provided for [#] night[s]. [Link to hote website]

    • Delegates must get a double entry visa upon arrival in Amman, Jordan (85 USD) 

  • Hotel in East Jerusalem [Link to website] 

  • Hotel in West Bank (Ramallah and/or Bethlehem) [Link to websites] 

  • ITINERARY: A full daily itinerary will be provided to upon your successful crossing of Allenby bridge. 

Forms & Information to Complete 

All Delegates MUST Complete/Do the Following: 

  • REGISTRATION FORM: ALL delegates must complete Sabeel’s registration form: 

  • [Link to Sabeel’s Registration Form] 

  • PASSPORT: Send a copy of your passport with the ETA-IL visa to and CC [group leader]. This is needed to arrange the bridge crossing from Jordan to Israel and back as well as to book hotels. 

  • BOOK FLIGHT: After you apply for the ETA-IL visa, book your refundable flight. If you or your organization are booking the flight, please let and your group leader [group leader email] know. 

    • If your organization is paying for your costs directly to Sabeel, pay your $250 deposit [link to FOSNA] and contact [Sylvia Eideh at or other travel agent contracted by Sabeel] and CC your group leader [group leader email] to get your flight booked.  

  • FLIGHT INFO: Once your flight is booked, send a screenshot/copy of your full flight itinerary - both arriving and returning flight - to This is needed to arrange transportation to and from the airport, hotels, and more. 

  • HEADSHOT: Send your picture to This is needed for the delegation booklet we will share with the delegates. 

  • CODE OF CONDUCT: Make a copy of or download Sabeel’s Code of Conduct [link to Sabeel’s Code of Conduct], review, sign, and send to, and CC your group leader [group leader email]. 

  • ORIENTATION PDF: Review Sabeel’s Orientation PDF: Solidarity Orientation Package 2025.docx

    • The Orientation Package includes contact information, what to pack, FAQ, security precautions, and essential background information on Jerusalem. 

    • We request that you read, at the bare minimum, the descriptions under each of the seven different categories, but there are plenty of additional resources if you want to dive deeper into any of the individual topics. 

    • Much of the information contained in the orientation packet is also available online at

Delegation Costs & Payment Links 

  • INDIVIDUAL LINK: If your company/org is paying for you - either full price or part - please process your deposit directly at this link: [place link here]. 

  • If you are booking your own flight, then please pay the remaining balance of [$$] USD to this link [place link here] for lodging, transportation, food, and other on the ground costs. 

  • CROWDSOURCING LINK: Please share with your networks and help us reach our goal. [Place link here.] 

DELEGATES: Delegation size will be between [place number here] members. Please do not disclose any names of the participants to anyone outside of your group.  


March 2025: A Lenten Delegation w/Candler School of Theology Faculty + Friends