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VFHL July Film Salon: My Tree

Using donations that children collected via “little blue boxes,” the Jewish National Fund has planted more than 250 million trees in Israel/Palestine. Ostensibly to “make the desert bloom,” the planting has radically altered the land’s biodiversity.

My Tree follows filmmaker Jason Sherman’s journey to find the tree planted in his name on the occasion of his bar mitzvah. When he discovers that “his” tree is in a forest covering up a Palestinian village destroyed in 1967 – one of many forests hiding scores of destroyed villages – he seeks to learn the motivations behind JNF’s tree-planting enterprise and to understand his own culpability.

Register below and join us on July 16 at 3:00 PM Eastern for a discussion of JNF's tree-planting project and the film with: - Jason Sherman: Jewish Canadian playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker - Seth Morrison: Treasurer, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, who publicly resigned from the Washington DC Board of Jewish National Fund - Mazin Qumsiyeh: author, founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) at Bethlehem University 

July 11

ABDELFATTAH ABUSROUR “Beautiful Resistance” — Nurturing Children’s Imaginations Through the Arts

July 25