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Making the Political Sacred in Occupied Jerusalem

All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena will be hosting Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian on Saturday, July 8th. Join us on Youtube or Facebook where we will be live-streaming the event!

As we respond to the violent events of Monday and Tuesday in Jenin, we ask you to consider joining us online or in person to hear Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian address the topic of Making the Political Sacred in Occupied Jerusalem. The drone and ground-based attacks on the refugee camp in Jenin are part of the larger picture of Palestinian displacement that began with the Nakba ("catastrophe") in 1948, continued in 1967, and continues today in the de facto annexation of Palestinian lands through settlement-building in the West Bank and land/property acquisition in Jerusalem's neighborhoods such as Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan and the Old City's Muslim, Christian and Armenian Quarters.

Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian is Chair of the Department of Law at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Professor at St. Mary's College in London. She will speak not only from her research as a scholar on the law, but also from her personal experience in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, where she lives with her physician husband.  

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