Every day, Palestinians wake up to a new nightmare. Sam Bahour and Mariam Barghouti’s brave political commentary and research work highlight the trials of Palestinian life under occupation. This is vital to the congressional advocacy and human rights activism with which we engage. This program will offer their insights and critique of current realities as well as priorities in this moment for the Palestinian movement as well as advocacy in the US. Sam Bahour resides in Al-Bireh/Ramallah, Palestine. He does business consulting as Applied Information Management (AIM), specializing in business development with a niche focus on the information technology sector and start-ups. Bahour was instrumental in the establishment of two publicly traded firms: the Palestine Telecommunications Company (PALTEL) and the Arab Palestinian Shopping Centers (APSC). He is Co-founder & Emeritus Member of Americans for a Vibrant Palestinian Economy (A4VPE) and currently serves as an independent Director at the Arab Islamic Bank P.L.C. and a board member at Just Vision. He writes frequently on Palestinian affairs and has been widely published in leading outlets. He is co-editor of HOMELAND: Oral History of Palestine and Palestinians (Olive Branch Press, 1993), tweets at @SamBahour, and blogs at epalestine.ps. Mariam Barghouti is the Senior Palestine correspondent for Mondoweiss. Her coverage has focused on the rise of armed resistance, the lives of resistance fighters and the roles of the Israeli and Palestinian authorities. Previously she was a researcher and political analyst. She was also a monitoring and evaluation consultant for international humanitarian aid agencies in the levant. Her political commentary has been featured in the New York Times, CNN, BBC, amongst others.