In Support of Wadi Foquin to Stop Apartheid Road

Dear Friends:

Please view this letter ( and sign on as an individual and/or organization to oppose the proposed apartheid road that will destroy 1,000 trees and confiscate more farm land in Wadi Foquin. 

On May 20th the Israeli Civil Administration held a court hearing in Jerusalem on the proposed road which many of you attended via zoom.   A final hearing will be held on Sunday, June 16th.  We will be submitting this letter and all of the sign-on's to the Israeli Civil Administration to register international public opposition to the proposed road.  Please sign on before June 16th! 

If you are able,  join us via zoom for the hearing on Saturday, June 15th at 10:30 p.m. (Pacific) or Sunday, June 16th at 1:30 a.m. (Eastern)/10:30 a.m. Jerusalem. 

Meeting ID: 886 6966 7512

Passcode: 812779

*Please add "Friends of Wadi Foquin" to your screen name when you sign on (Ex. Michael Yoshii, Friends of Wad Foquin)! 

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions and/or suggestions on amplifying this message through public media! 


Rev. Michael Yoshii, Co-Chair 

Friends of Wadi Foquin 


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