Christian Organizations Call for Boycott and Divestment

May 29, 2024

For immediate release

Judy Coode, Pax Christi USA,; 202-425-0576

Jesse Wheeler, Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA),

Washington, D.C. - National Christian organizations urge a robust boycott and divestment of the companies enabling the Israeli military system directly engaged in Israel’s oppression and mass atrocities on Palestinians. 

The Israeli military has escalated their atrocities in Rafah in spite of the International Court of Justice on May 24th calling them to halt an invasion into Rafah, and the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders on May 20th.

The letter states: 

“As Christians, we seek to illuminate the sacred dignity of all people. We have tirelessly advocated for our U.S. government to stop the mass slaughter in Palestine. We have persistently engaged in a broad range of nonviolent resistance actions and risk-taking toward this end. Yet, more leverage is needed. A core practice of nonviolent resistance, including within our tradition, is economic non-cooperation with injustice. Jesus literally turned over the tables of economic exploitation in the Temple. Also, during the apartheid regime in South Africa, this strategy of boycott and divestment was critical to shifting the power dynamics and ending apartheid. This strategy of nonviolent non-cooperation is not against the existence of the state of Israel, but is for the sacred dignity, well-being, security, and human rights of all Palestinians as well as Israelis.”

They urge other Christian organizations and persons to consider four distinct actions of boycott and divestment. 

1. Take the pledge to become an Apartheid-Free Community

2. Organize and advocate for a military embargo with divestment by local government, unions, universities, and religious institutions.

3. Divest from companies enabling the military repression

4. Boycott and Send Letter to Chevron

Christian organizations or individuals are invited to fill out this commitment form to identify which action they plan to commit to or explore.

 Initiating Christian Organizations:

  • Alliance of Baptists

  • American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

  • Christians for a Free Palestine

  • Friends of Sabeel of North America (FOSNA)

  • Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

  • Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP)

  • Pax Christi USA

Multiple other organizations have joined the call, using the link above.


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