California - Reject CLJC Letter

We at NorCal Sabeel, a San Francisco Bay Area-based group dedicated to advancing peace and justice in the Holy Land, are tremendously concerned about the message that the California Legislative Jewish Caucus (CLJC) put forth in their January 3 letter to colleagues about the October 7 Attack, Rising Antisemitism, and the 2024 Legislative Year.

The message of this Dear Colleagues letter includes many false claims and dangerous legislative proposals that we cannot in any way support. Censoring school curriculum and silencing dissent on college campuses is never the path to resolve conflict. We must do all we can to end U.S. complicity in the Gaza genocide, including asking our legislators to do the following:

Reject all the CLJC’s proposals

  • Refuse the propaganda trip

  • Introduce a resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

  • Introduce a resolution to restore full U.S. funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

  • Meet with NorCal Sabeel at your earliest convenience to discuss these matters.

News from Palestine/Israel is getting more catastrophic every day. The suffering and pain of 2.3 million Gazans is beyond belief. As of Feb. 14, over 28,000 innocent people are dead, at least 12,000 of whom are children. Israeli families hope against hope their loved ones will be released alive from the quagmire. The West Bank is boiling over with Israeli army and settler violence against Palestinians. This conflict is causing global discord, to say nothing of divisions in our community.

Also: Call Your Representatives

As a constituent dedicated to advancing peace and justice in the Holy Land, I am tremendously concerned about the message that the California Legislative Jewish Caucus (CLJC) put forth in their January 3 letter to colleagues about the October 7 Attack, Rising Antisemitism, and the 2024 Legislative Year.

The message of this Dear Colleagues letter includes many false claims and dangerous legislative proposals that I cannot in any way support. Censoring school curriculum and silencing dissent on college campuses is never the path to resolve conflict. We must do all we can to end U.S. complicity in the Gaza genocide, including the following:

Reject all the CLJC’s proposals:

-Refuse the propaganda trip

-Introduce a resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

-Introduce a resolution to restore full U.S. funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

-Meet with NorCal Sabeel at your earliest convenience to discuss these matters.

News from Palestine/Israel is getting more catastrophic every day. The suffering and pain of 2.3 million Gazans is beyond belief. As of Feb. 14, over 28,000 innocent people are dead, at least 12,000 of whom are children. Israeli families hope against hope their loved ones will be released alive from the quagmire. The West Bank is boiling over with Israeli army and settler violence against Palestinians.

This conflict is causing global discord, to say nothing of divisions in our community.


Ash Wednesday Mass and Vigil D.C.


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