A Joint Letter of Gratitude from Holy Land Christians

It is with great honor and humility that FOSNA has been asked to present the following joint letter of gratitude on behalf of leading and grassroots Christian organizations in the Holy Land. Composed in response to the letter of April 29, 2022 by eight congresspersons to Secretary Blinken, Holy Land Christians are deeply grateful for the congresspersons' request that the Biden Administration protect religious freedom abroad as a critical element of U.S. foreign policy and for their deep concern regarding the rise in attacks against the Christian community in Jerusalem. Understanding the political costs that may result from their stance, the commitment to religious freedom and stand on behalf of Holy Land Christians has not gone unnoticed. Letters have been personalized, addressed, and mailed directly to each office.

Joint Letter: Christian Organizations in the Holy Land

Jerusalem, 5/2022 

The Honorable

  • Congressman Joaquin Castro,

  • Congressman Gus Bilirakis,

  • Congressman James P. McGovern,

  • Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo,

  • Congresswoman Jackie Speier,

  • Congressman French Hill,

  • Congressman Andy Harris,

  • Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis. 

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Members of Congress of the United States of America:

Christ is risen!

Please accept our deep thanks for your letter of 29 April 2022 to Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. We are grateful for your request that the Biden Administration protect religious freedom abroad as a critical element of U.S. foreign policy and for your deep concern regarding the rise in attacks against the Christian community in Jerusalem. Indeed, we hope and pray that the State Department will work with the Israeli government to uphold the latter’s stated commitment to international conventions and freedom of worship for all religions, and to hold accountable radical Israeli groups who attack Christian clergy and take over church property.

This Easter 2022, as has been the case for the past 15 years, many Christians from the West  Bank were denied permits to enter Jerusalem to take part in the Holy Week celebrations. Christians who were able to make it to Jerusalem witnessed parades being interrupted and  members of our community, families and friends, clergy and pilgrims beaten by Israeli police and denied access to the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) and the Christian Quarter, during Holy Fire Saturday. Such is this blatant violation by the Israeli authorities in a series of infringements and intimidation, highlighted repeatedly by the local Church leaders in Jerusalem.

The Christian community of Jerusalem sees your letter of concern to Secretary Blinken as both a much needed call for action and as a message of hope to protect freedom and access to worship in Jerusalem, to preserve the Status Quo and identity of Jerusalem as the city holy to the three monotheistic faiths.

We look forward to the visit of President Joe Biden in June and we pray that you may convey to the Administration the importance for the President to meet with the Heads of Churches and Muslim leaders in Jerusalem; to listen to them, to learn about their excellent efforts in our local community, and to explore together how Jerusalem can be protected as a city holy to all.

With God’s grace and blessing,

Christian Organizations in the Holy Land:

  • Al Liqa' Center for Religious and Heritage Studies in the Holy Land

  • Arab Catholic Scouts - Jerusalem

  • Arab Education Institute - Pax Christi

  • Arab Orthodox Society

  • Arab Orthodox Union Club - Jerusalem

  • Armenian Young Men’s Society (Hoyetchmen) Jerusalem

  • Bethlehem Bible College

  • Birzeit Orthodox Scouts Group

  • Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the Middle East Council of Churches

  • Diyar Consortium

  • Greek Catholic Annunciation Society Jerusalem

  • Holy Land Trust

  • Homenetmen Jerusalem

  • International Christian Committee

  • Jerusalem Armenian Benevolent Union (PARISIRADZ)

  • Joint Advocacy Initiative of YWCA and YMCA

  • Kairos Palestine

  • National Christian Association

  • Presbyterian Church In The Holy Land

  • Sabeel-Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center

  • Salt of the Earth Young Christians

  • Shepherds Scouts Group - Evangelical Lutheran Church Beit Sahour

  • The Arab Orthodox Club - Bethlehem

  • The Arab Orthodox Club - Ramallah

  • The Arab Orthodox Cultural Club- Beit Sahour

  • The Arab Orthodox Sports Club-Beit Jala

  • The Catechetical Office of the Latin Patriarchate

  • The Four Homes of Mercy

  • The General Secretariat of Christian Youth in Palestine “The Youth of Jesus’ Homeland “

  • The Greek Catholic Scout Group

  • The Syriac Orthodox Scouts - Jerusalem

  • Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center

  • YMCA-East Jerusalem

  • YWCA of Palestine


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